Karel Lipič, univ.dipl.ing. www.zveza-zeg.si
Ugotovitve:Sodelovanje javnosti v procesih umeščanja projektov v prostor je izjemno pomembno ( TEŠ 6, MBO, HE, DV...).Nasprotovanje projektu je pogosto posledica neprimernega vključevanja javnosti v pripravo projekta.Aarhuška konvencija v praksi
• Reševanje številnih NIMBY in NIMET problemov
• Ekološka patrulja ZEG in brezplačni EKO telefon 080 18 45
• Reševanje številnih NIMBY in NIMET problemov
• Ekološka patrulja ZEG in brezplačni EKO telefon 080 18 45
Slovensko visokoenergetsko tranzitno električno prenosno omrežje Problematična merila DPN pri umeščanju VD v prostor. V Sloveniji merila za umeščanje VD v prostor temeljijo na:
- prednosti nadgrajevanja več kot 40 let starih tras,
- izbira najkrajših poti,
- izbira ekonomsko najcenejših variant.
Rezultat: Izbira obstoječih bolj poseljenih tras namesto iskanja optimalnih variant, neupoštevanje mnenj prizadetih posameznikov in lokalnih skupnosti in strokovne javnosti provzročilo je nastajanje Civilnih iniciativ na vseh trasah nadgradnje.
Številne raziskave po svetu govorijo o škodljivi vplivi EMS na zdravje. Mednarodna skupina pod vodstvom prof. Ahlbom; Švedska; objavljeno objavljeno v British Journal of Cancer, 2010 Reziskovanja tudi so zdelali in Univerza v Tasmaniji, Avstralia in Univerza v Plymouth-u, Velika Britanija, objavljeno Internal Medicine Journal Kabuto M, Nitta H, Yamamoto S; Childhood leukemia and magnetic fields in Japan; International Journal of Cancer 2006; Institute of Social and Preventive Medicine, University of Bern, Univerza za medicino južne Kalifornije, oddelek preventivne medicine, 1996, Inštitut okoljevarstvene medicine, Stockholm, Švedska, 1998
Naprej so tudi rezisakve že kratkotrajna izpostavljenost EMS je dovolj, da zaustavi delovanje melatonina (melatonin preprečuje širjenje celic raka, elektromagnetno sevanje pa je njegovo delovanje nevtralizira in celice raka se množijo naprej) Denis L Henshaw H. H. Wills Physics Laboratory, University of Bristol, Russel J Reiter, Department of Cellular and Structural Biology, University of Texas Medical Center…ali v Sloveniji, strokovno mnenje o zidavi dodatnega šolskega objekta k osnovni šoli Dobrova SIQ; avtor Peter Gajšek, dipl. ing. odsvetuje širitev šole proti obstoječemu daljnovodu zaradi možnega povečanja zdravstvenih tveganj še posebno pri otrocih. Na osnovi tega mnenja se šolski objekt ni širil v smeri proti daljnovodom. Z nadgradnjo oziroma širitvijo obstoječega daljnovoda pa bi dejansko približali objekt osnovne šole in vrtca škodljivim vplivom EMS.
Zdaj tudi mamo in problematiko izbire trase Beričevo – Divača, Na osnovi kriterijev ocenjevanja predvidenih vplivov: kakovost zunanjega zraka, varstvo površinskih voda, varstvo podzemnih voda, varstvo pred hrupom, varstvo pred elektromagnetnim sevanjem, nastajanje in ravnanje z odpadki, podnebne spremembe, geološke lastnosti in kakovost tal, kmetijske površine, gozdne površine, varovana območja narave, rastlinske in živalske vrste ter habitatni tipi in kulturna dediščina.
Stališče ELES-a: Strinjamo se, da narava ne sme biti bolj pomembna od življenj in zdravja ljudi. Vendar je v konkretnem primeru možen scenarij, da bo v Okoljskem poročilu vpliv na naravo ocenjen kot bistven (ocena D). V tem primeru se upošteva 3. odstavek 24. člena ZUPUDPP, ki določa, da se v Študiji variant obravnavajo samo z okoljskim poročilom pozitivno ocenjene variante (ocene A, B, C). V tem primeru izdelovalec študije variant nima manevrskega prostora, da bi dal večjo težo varstvu človekovega okolja v primerjavi z varstvom narave, pač pa je obsojen na izbor preostale. pozitivno ocenjene variante.
Stališče ELES-a in preferiranje izbire variante: severna trasa »Severna varianta« se približa večjemu številu stanovanjskih objektov kot južna, ima pa prednost v manjši odvisnosti od vremenskih in drugih naravnih nesreč in v dvostranskem napajanju RTP v Klečah po 400 kV vodih.
Slabosti »južne variante«, ki sicer poteka po manj poseljenem območju sta v tem, da poteka po več zavarovanih območjih in zagotavlja manjšo zanesljivost napajanja RTP Kleče.
Stanovanjski objekti v 40 in 100 meterskem pasu na severni in južni trasi v razmerju 7:1
Razmerje hiš v 100m pasu : Severna proti južni trasi: 434:76
Razmerje hiš v 40m pasu : Severna proti južni trasi: 102:12
Razmerje hiš v 40m pasu: (primer Gameljne) varianta 1 proti varianti 2 18:0
(po sedanji zakonodaji je 40m pas varovano območje infrastrukture, kjer ne bi smelo biti stanovanjskih objektov) Pri umeščanju daljnovoda v prostor pomembni tudi številni drugi vidiki, ki pa nikakor ne smejo prevladati nad kriterijem zdravja ljudi. Problematika umeščanja tranzitnih daljnovodov v Sloveniji je stalna ignoranca in aroganca državnih inštitucij (pristojna ministrstva, ELES), Nemožnost sodelovanja lokalnih skupnosti, CI in prizadetih posameznikov v postopkih sprejemanja DPN in odločitev o izbiri tras. Zavajajoča okoljska poročila, pavšalna merila vrednotenja vplivov in manipuliranje z manj pomembnimi kriteriji.
Številne raziskave po svetu govorijo o škodljivi vplivi EMS na zdravje. Mednarodna skupina pod vodstvom prof. Ahlbom; Švedska; objavljeno objavljeno v British Journal of Cancer, 2010 Reziskovanja tudi so zdelali in Univerza v Tasmaniji, Avstralia in Univerza v Plymouth-u, Velika Britanija, objavljeno Internal Medicine Journal Kabuto M, Nitta H, Yamamoto S; Childhood leukemia and magnetic fields in Japan; International Journal of Cancer 2006; Institute of Social and Preventive Medicine, University of Bern, Univerza za medicino južne Kalifornije, oddelek preventivne medicine, 1996, Inštitut okoljevarstvene medicine, Stockholm, Švedska, 1998
Naprej so tudi rezisakve že kratkotrajna izpostavljenost EMS je dovolj, da zaustavi delovanje melatonina (melatonin preprečuje širjenje celic raka, elektromagnetno sevanje pa je njegovo delovanje nevtralizira in celice raka se množijo naprej) Denis L Henshaw H. H. Wills Physics Laboratory, University of Bristol, Russel J Reiter, Department of Cellular and Structural Biology, University of Texas Medical Center…ali v Sloveniji, strokovno mnenje o zidavi dodatnega šolskega objekta k osnovni šoli Dobrova SIQ; avtor Peter Gajšek, dipl. ing. odsvetuje širitev šole proti obstoječemu daljnovodu zaradi možnega povečanja zdravstvenih tveganj še posebno pri otrocih. Na osnovi tega mnenja se šolski objekt ni širil v smeri proti daljnovodom. Z nadgradnjo oziroma širitvijo obstoječega daljnovoda pa bi dejansko približali objekt osnovne šole in vrtca škodljivim vplivom EMS.
Zdaj tudi mamo in problematiko izbire trase Beričevo – Divača, Na osnovi kriterijev ocenjevanja predvidenih vplivov: kakovost zunanjega zraka, varstvo površinskih voda, varstvo podzemnih voda, varstvo pred hrupom, varstvo pred elektromagnetnim sevanjem, nastajanje in ravnanje z odpadki, podnebne spremembe, geološke lastnosti in kakovost tal, kmetijske površine, gozdne površine, varovana območja narave, rastlinske in živalske vrste ter habitatni tipi in kulturna dediščina.
Stališče ELES-a: Strinjamo se, da narava ne sme biti bolj pomembna od življenj in zdravja ljudi. Vendar je v konkretnem primeru možen scenarij, da bo v Okoljskem poročilu vpliv na naravo ocenjen kot bistven (ocena D). V tem primeru se upošteva 3. odstavek 24. člena ZUPUDPP, ki določa, da se v Študiji variant obravnavajo samo z okoljskim poročilom pozitivno ocenjene variante (ocene A, B, C). V tem primeru izdelovalec študije variant nima manevrskega prostora, da bi dal večjo težo varstvu človekovega okolja v primerjavi z varstvom narave, pač pa je obsojen na izbor preostale. pozitivno ocenjene variante.
Stališče ELES-a in preferiranje izbire variante: severna trasa »Severna varianta« se približa večjemu številu stanovanjskih objektov kot južna, ima pa prednost v manjši odvisnosti od vremenskih in drugih naravnih nesreč in v dvostranskem napajanju RTP v Klečah po 400 kV vodih.
Slabosti »južne variante«, ki sicer poteka po manj poseljenem območju sta v tem, da poteka po več zavarovanih območjih in zagotavlja manjšo zanesljivost napajanja RTP Kleče.
Stanovanjski objekti v 40 in 100 meterskem pasu na severni in južni trasi v razmerju 7:1
Razmerje hiš v 100m pasu : Severna proti južni trasi: 434:76
Razmerje hiš v 40m pasu : Severna proti južni trasi: 102:12
Razmerje hiš v 40m pasu: (primer Gameljne) varianta 1 proti varianti 2 18:0
(po sedanji zakonodaji je 40m pas varovano območje infrastrukture, kjer ne bi smelo biti stanovanjskih objektov) Pri umeščanju daljnovoda v prostor pomembni tudi številni drugi vidiki, ki pa nikakor ne smejo prevladati nad kriterijem zdravja ljudi. Problematika umeščanja tranzitnih daljnovodov v Sloveniji je stalna ignoranca in aroganca državnih inštitucij (pristojna ministrstva, ELES), Nemožnost sodelovanja lokalnih skupnosti, CI in prizadetih posameznikov v postopkih sprejemanja DPN in odločitev o izbiri tras. Zavajajoča okoljska poročila, pavšalna merila vrednotenja vplivov in manipuliranje z manj pomembnimi kriteriji.
- Neobveščanje javnosti predvsem na najbolj kritičnih točkah.
- Naročanje neverodostojnih anket in manipulacija z rezultati.
- Izločanje CI iz strokovnih seminarjev in posvetov, blokada medijev.
- Prisilne služnosti in zmanjševanje vrednosti nepremičnin.
Kaj smo uspeli spremeniti: Povezava civilnih iniciativ v Združenje CI Slovenije (konferenca ZEG-a Šmarješke toplice), povezava Svetov četrtnih skupnosti kjer potekajo planirane gradnje, Podpisovanje peticij proti gradnji BAT in daljnovodov skozi naseljena področja, Vzpostavitev spletnih strani, analize znanstvenih študij vplivov elektromagnetnih sevanj, zbiranje podatkov o obolelosti ljudi, ki živijo blizu visokonapetostnih daljnovodov, zbiranje podatkov o EU predpisih, direktivah, odločbah, dobrih praksah, veliko številko dopisi: MOL, ELES, ARSO, varuhinja človekovih pravic, EU komisar za energetiko itd. sodelovanje z mediji (Kanal A, POP TV, Dnevnik, Delo, revija Jana, itd., Sestanek na ELESu in MzIP, sklep o ustanovitvi delovne skupine, Sestanek projektne skupine na MOL-u, Izdaja priročnika ― Električni smog‖, zahteva za spremembo in sprejem nove zakonodaja o neionizirnih sevanjih/zadnja 1996/
Karel Lipiĉ univ.dipl.ing. http://www.zveza-zeg.si/
Findings: Public participation in the process of placing the project in the area is extremely important (TEŠ 6, MBO, HE, DV ...). Opposition to the project is often the result of inappropriate involvement of the public in preparation projekta.Aarhuška Convention in practice
• Resolving the many NIMBY problems and NIMET
• Eco Patrol ZEG and free EKO phone 080 18 45
Slovenian high energy transit electricity transmission network Problem DPN criteria for siting VD in space. In Slovenia, the criteria for placement in the space VD based on:
• Resolving the many NIMBY problems and NIMET
• Eco Patrol ZEG and free EKO phone 080 18 45
Slovenian high energy transit electricity transmission network Problem DPN criteria for siting VD in space. In Slovenia, the criteria for placement in the space VD based on:
- advantages of upgradingmore then 40 years of old routes,
- selection of the shortes route,
- choice economically cheapest variant.
Result: Selection of existing routes rather than the more populated search of optimal variants, ignoring the opinions of affected individuals and local communities and the professional public void formation of civil initiatives on all their routes upgrades.
Numerous studies around the world talk about the harmful effects of EMR on health. The international team led by prof. Ahlbom; Sweden; published published in the British Journal of Cancer 2010 Reziskovanja well they worked and the University of Tasmania, Avstralia and University of Plymouth-in, of Great Britain, published in Internal Medicine Journal Kabuto M, Nitta H, Yamamoto S; Childhood leukemia and magnetic fields, and Japan; International Journal of Cancer 2006; Institute of Social and Preventive Medicine, University of Bern, University of Medicine of Southern California, department of preventive medicine, 1996, Institute of Environmental Medicine, Stockholm, Sweden, 1998
Next are rezisakve have short-term exposure EMS is enough to halt the operation of melatonin (melatonin prevents the spread of cancer cells, electromagnetic radiation but its action is neutralized and cancer cells multiply on) Denis L Henshaw HH Wills Physics Laboratory, University of Bristol, Russell J Reiter, Department of Cellular and Structural Biology, University of Texas Medical Center ... or Slovenia, expert opinion The construction of additional school buildings for elementary school Dobrova SIQ; author Peter Gajšek, BSc. ing. discouraged the expansion of the school to the existing transmission line due to the potential increase in health risks especially for children. On the basis of this opinion, the school building has not spread in the direction of the power line. The upgrade and expansion of the existing transmission line would actually closer to building a primary school and kindergarten harmful effects of EMS.
Now the mother and the issue of the choice of route Beriĉevo - Divaĉa Based on the assessment criteria provided for Impact: ambient air quality, surface water, groundwater protection, noise protection, protection against electromagnetic radiation, generation and waste management, climate change, geological features and soil quality, agricultural land, forest land, protected natural areas, plant and animal species and habitat types and cultural heritage.
The position of ELES: We agree that nature must not be more important than the lives and health of people. However, in this particular case a possible scenario that the Environmental Report estimated impact on nature as an essential (grade D). In this case, take into account the third paragraph of Article 24 ZUPUDPP, which stipulates that the variant study will only deal with the environmental report positively assessed variants (grades A, B, C). In this case, the manufacturer Studies variant has any leeway to give greater weight to the protection of the human environment in comparison with the protection of nature, but was convicted on the remaining selection. positively assessed variants.
The position of ELES or preference selection variants: the Northern route "North variant" is closer to a larger number of residential buildings and the south, but has the advantage of reducing the dependence on weather and other natural disasters and bilateral power substation in Kleĉe 400 kV lines.Disadvantages of "southern variant", which usually takes place in less populated areas are in that place for more protected areas and provides less security of supply RTP Kleĉe.Residential buildings in the 40 and 100 meter zone on the north and south route in the ratio of 7: 1
The ratio of houses in the 100m zone: North to south route: 434: 76
The ratio of houses in the 40m band: North to south route: 102: 12
The ratio of houses in the 40m band: (example Gameljne) variant 1 to variant 2 18 0 (under the current legislation the 40m zone protected area of infrastructure where there should be no housing) In the siting of power lines in the area a number of other important aspects, which can not take precedence over the criteria of human health. The problem of placement of transit lines to Slovenia's continued ignorance and arrogance state institutions (responsible ministries, EELS) The impossibility of the participation of local communities, CI and individuals involved in the adoption procedure for DPN and the decision on the choice of routes. Misleading environmental reports, lump-sum evaluation criteria of impact and handling minor criteria.
• The lack of publicity especially in the most critical points.
• Order incredulous polls and the manipulation of results.
• Elimination CI of seminars and conferences, encoded media.
• Forced easements and reduce property values.
What we have managed to change: Connection of civil initiatives in the Association CI Slovenia (Conference ZEG-a Šmarješke Spa) connection Councils urban communities where the place of the planned construction, signing petitions against the construction of BAT and transmission lines through populated areas, the creation of websites, analysis of scientific studies of the effects of electromagnetic radiation, collecting data on the illness of people living near high-voltage lines, the collection of data on EU regulations, directives, decisions, good practices, a lot of code letters: MOL, EELS, EARS Ombudsman, EU Commissioner for Energy, etc. cooperation with the media (Kanal A, POP TV, Dnevnik, Delo magazine Jana, etc., Meeting Eles and MzIP, the decision on setting up a working group meeting of the Task Force on MOL, subject to the manual "Electrical smog 'request for a change and the adoption of new legislation on Non- Ionizing Radiation / recent 1996 /
Numerous studies around the world talk about the harmful effects of EMR on health. The international team led by prof. Ahlbom; Sweden; published published in the British Journal of Cancer 2010 Reziskovanja well they worked and the University of Tasmania, Avstralia and University of Plymouth-in, of Great Britain, published in Internal Medicine Journal Kabuto M, Nitta H, Yamamoto S; Childhood leukemia and magnetic fields, and Japan; International Journal of Cancer 2006; Institute of Social and Preventive Medicine, University of Bern, University of Medicine of Southern California, department of preventive medicine, 1996, Institute of Environmental Medicine, Stockholm, Sweden, 1998
Next are rezisakve have short-term exposure EMS is enough to halt the operation of melatonin (melatonin prevents the spread of cancer cells, electromagnetic radiation but its action is neutralized and cancer cells multiply on) Denis L Henshaw HH Wills Physics Laboratory, University of Bristol, Russell J Reiter, Department of Cellular and Structural Biology, University of Texas Medical Center ... or Slovenia, expert opinion The construction of additional school buildings for elementary school Dobrova SIQ; author Peter Gajšek, BSc. ing. discouraged the expansion of the school to the existing transmission line due to the potential increase in health risks especially for children. On the basis of this opinion, the school building has not spread in the direction of the power line. The upgrade and expansion of the existing transmission line would actually closer to building a primary school and kindergarten harmful effects of EMS.
Now the mother and the issue of the choice of route Beriĉevo - Divaĉa Based on the assessment criteria provided for Impact: ambient air quality, surface water, groundwater protection, noise protection, protection against electromagnetic radiation, generation and waste management, climate change, geological features and soil quality, agricultural land, forest land, protected natural areas, plant and animal species and habitat types and cultural heritage.
The position of ELES: We agree that nature must not be more important than the lives and health of people. However, in this particular case a possible scenario that the Environmental Report estimated impact on nature as an essential (grade D). In this case, take into account the third paragraph of Article 24 ZUPUDPP, which stipulates that the variant study will only deal with the environmental report positively assessed variants (grades A, B, C). In this case, the manufacturer Studies variant has any leeway to give greater weight to the protection of the human environment in comparison with the protection of nature, but was convicted on the remaining selection. positively assessed variants.
The position of ELES or preference selection variants: the Northern route "North variant" is closer to a larger number of residential buildings and the south, but has the advantage of reducing the dependence on weather and other natural disasters and bilateral power substation in Kleĉe 400 kV lines.Disadvantages of "southern variant", which usually takes place in less populated areas are in that place for more protected areas and provides less security of supply RTP Kleĉe.Residential buildings in the 40 and 100 meter zone on the north and south route in the ratio of 7: 1
The ratio of houses in the 100m zone: North to south route: 434: 76
The ratio of houses in the 40m band: North to south route: 102: 12
The ratio of houses in the 40m band: (example Gameljne) variant 1 to variant 2 18 0 (under the current legislation the 40m zone protected area of infrastructure where there should be no housing) In the siting of power lines in the area a number of other important aspects, which can not take precedence over the criteria of human health. The problem of placement of transit lines to Slovenia's continued ignorance and arrogance state institutions (responsible ministries, EELS) The impossibility of the participation of local communities, CI and individuals involved in the adoption procedure for DPN and the decision on the choice of routes. Misleading environmental reports, lump-sum evaluation criteria of impact and handling minor criteria.
• The lack of publicity especially in the most critical points.
• Order incredulous polls and the manipulation of results.
• Elimination CI of seminars and conferences, encoded media.
• Forced easements and reduce property values.
What we have managed to change: Connection of civil initiatives in the Association CI Slovenia (Conference ZEG-a Šmarješke Spa) connection Councils urban communities where the place of the planned construction, signing petitions against the construction of BAT and transmission lines through populated areas, the creation of websites, analysis of scientific studies of the effects of electromagnetic radiation, collecting data on the illness of people living near high-voltage lines, the collection of data on EU regulations, directives, decisions, good practices, a lot of code letters: MOL, EELS, EARS Ombudsman, EU Commissioner for Energy, etc. cooperation with the media (Kanal A, POP TV, Dnevnik, Delo magazine Jana, etc., Meeting Eles and MzIP, the decision on setting up a working group meeting of the Task Force on MOL, subject to the manual "Electrical smog 'request for a change and the adoption of new legislation on Non- Ionizing Radiation / recent 1996 /
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