15 новембар 2016

Memorandum o saradnji


1. Zveze ekoloških gibanj ( u daljem tekstu ZEG) iz Ljubljane, Republika Slovenija,
2. Hrvatska udruga za zaštitu od elektromagnetnog zračenja (u daljem tekstu HUZEZ) iz Zagreba, Republika Hrvatska i
3. Udruženja BIOGEN ( u daljem tekstu BIOGEN), Beograd, Republika Srbija

Uvažavajući ulogu organizacija civilnog društva (u daljem tekstu OCD) u izgradnji demokratskog društva, kao i njihov doprinos širenju ideje ljudskih prava, vladavine prava u svim porama života u zemljama Jugoistočne Evrope, a naročito u oblasti zaštitite zdravlja i životne sredine građana od sve većeg prisustva izvora nejonizujućih zračenja (u daljem tekstu NJZ) prepoznajemo neophodnost usaglašavanja i uvažavanja preporučenih mera predostrožnosti.
Prepoznajući da usvojeni standardi, u zemljama regiona i šire, ne uvažavaju najnovije rezultate-zaključke istraživanja u biološkim naukama, kao i u oblasti javno-zdravstvenih implikacija globalne izloženosti elektromagnetskim poljima (u daljem tekstu EMZ) tj. NJZ iz izovora telekomunikacionih tehnologija te tehnologija upotrebe i prenosa električne energije, a radi uspostavaljanja mehanizma konstruktivne saradnje u cilju poboljšanja informisanja i edukacije javnosti.
Prepoznajući interes za uspostavljanjem tešnjih vidova saradnje između OCD, u cilju osnaživanja kapaciteta radi poboljšanja stanja u regionu, neophodnost stalnog i objektivnog izveštavanja, edukovanja i komunikacije sa javnošću u pogledu neophodne primene mera predostrožnosti ustanovljenih na najnovijim naučno argumentovanim zaključcima o biološime efektima, najnovije zaključke stručne medicinske nauke uticaja na ljudski organizam, prepoznajemo da su prava na zdravlje i zdravu životnu sredinu, neotuđiva ljudska prava.
Neprincipijelan stav pojedinih naučnih institucija, privrednih subjekata i pravnih lica korisnika izvora NJZ u zemljama regiona, uslovljen određenim interesima koji se kose sa najnovijim zaključcima i preporukama Svetskih autoriteta u ovoj oblasti, iziskuje jednu kontinuiranu aktivnost na iznalaženju najadekvatnijih, obostrano prihvatljivih vidova saradnje svih subjekata i OCD u regionu, izgradnji održivih modela uključenosti javnosti demokratski izgrađenih zajednica u svim fazama odlučivanja i donošenja Zakonskih propisa, primenu i realizaciju istih, te njihovu progresivnu promenu koja će našim građanima i potomcima garantovati veći stepen sigurnosti i zaštite od svih posledica koje im mogu narušiti zdravlje i ugroziti životnu sredinu,
Strane su se dogovorile o sledećem:
Ĉlan 1.
Formira se Regionalna alijansa, savez udruženja, mreža koja svojim vizijama, misijom programskim ciljevima, programom i interesno delatnost obavljaju u oblasti zaštite zdravlja i zaštite životne sredine od svih vrsta NJZ.
Ĉlan 2.
Naziv saveza udruženja , alijanse, mreže OCD je:
Alijansa Jugoistočne Evrope za zaštitu od nejonizujućih zračenja SEENIRPA, na engleskom : SouthEast Europ nonionizing radiation protection Alliance.
Ĉlan 3.
SEENIRPA je nezavisna nevladina otvorena mreža organizacija koje se bave proučavanjem uticaja NJZ, otvorena je za saradnju sa drugim udruženjima i pojedincima koji deluju u oblasti zaštite od NJZ, zdravlja i životne sredine.
Ĉlan 4.
Da će obezbediti međusobnu redovno prikupljanje i obradu informacija, razmenu informacija o aktivnostima koje se odnose na efekte NJZ na zdravlje čoveka i životnu sredinu, pripremu, usvajanje i implementaciju zakona i strategija u oblasti zaštite zdravlja od NJZ na zdravlje i zaštiti životne sredine, kao i sprovođenju međunarodnih standarda, preporuka, obaveza i drugih preporuka WHO, BIOINITIATIVE, ICNIRP te direktivama Saveta Evrope, Evropskog parlamenta i Evropske komisije, a u vezi.
SEENIRPA će ustanoviti praksu redovnih sastanaka i konsultacija sa OCD (najmanje jednom godišnje) u cilju razmene informacija i sticanja boljeg uvida u aktivnosti, kapacitete i resurse koja imaju udruženja koja čine alijansu, a koji mogu biti stavljeni u funkciju prilikom izrade izveštaja, praćenja postupanja po preporukama.
Ĉlan 5.
Kancelarija- središte SEENIRPA će biti u Beogradu, i ista će obaveštavati članice alijanse prilikom organizovanja međunarodnih skupova, redovnim praćenjem aktivnosti drugih stručnih naučnih foruma, konferncija, kongresa, radionica, savetovanja u zemljama u regionu i svetu.
Ĉlanovi će centralu SEENIRPA redovno obaveštavati o svojim aktivnostima i skupovima koji se organizuju u cilju rasprava o nacrtima zakona i drugih propisa iz oblasti zaštite od NJZ zsdravlja i životne sredine u zemljama u regionu kako bi mogli uzeti učešće u ovim aktivnostima.
U okviru svoje delatnosti SEENIRPA će obaveštavati svoje članove o pokrenutim aktivnostima, pomagati u relaizaciji istih i promovisati saradnju na svakom nivou, od organa uprave i lokalne samouprave, preko resornih ministarstava i drugih lokalnih i međunarodnih autoriteta, kako bi izgradila svoj stav i isti razvijala u duhu preporučene predostrožnosti
Ĉlan 6.
SEENIRPA će omogućiti članicama da učestvuju u procesu izrade planova, aktivnosti i izveštaja o sprovođenju međunarodnih obaveza u oblasti zaštite od NJZ zdravlja i životne sredine.
SEENIRPA će uspostaviti praksu periodičnih sastanaka sa članicama ili njihovim predstavnicima u cilju praćenja primena preporuka WHO i drugih svetskih i Evropskih naučno istraživačkih institucija.
SEENIRPA će takođe uspostaviti praksu periodičnih sastanaka sa članicama koja se bave primenom preporuka i Arhuske konvencije o dostupnosti informacija od javnog značaja , a u vezi su zaštite građana od NJZ i životne sredine sa ciljem :
(a) definisanja načina organizovanja, praćenja i ocenjivanja uspešnosti primene Strategije Arhuske konvencije, direktiva i preporuka stručnih tela iz sveta, Evrope i regiona
(b) rešavanja eventualnih problema koji se tokom saradnje budu javljali.
Ĉlan 7.
Potpisnici, osnivači SEENIRPA će u periodu od trideset (30) dana od momenta potpisivanja pripremiti sva neophodna dokumenta i obavestiti odgovorne institucije u svojim zemljama o formiranju alijanse, kao i preduzeti neophodne korake za registrovanje alijanse u njihovim domicilnim zemljama.
U ovom periodu izradiće se sva neophodna dokumenta koja će preciznije definisati mesto i ulogu članica, organizaciju SENIRPA-e što će radu i ojačati vezu sa njima, kako bi se kapaciteti koji postoje u tom sektoru, između ostalog, koristili u cilju osposobljavanja formiranih organa koji bi brinuli o realizaciji programskih ciljeva formirane mreže.
Ĉlanice će, u skladu sa svojim saznanjima, ukazivati na kršenja ljudskih prava u oblasti zaštite građana od NJZ i životne sredine, do kojih dolazi bilo zbog nedostataka u okviru pravnog sistema ili usled prakse koja je diskriminatorna ili neodgovarajuća.
Ĉlan 8.
SEENIRPA poštuje nezavisnost delovanja organizacija civilnog društva ukoliko ono nije zabranjeno Ustavom ili zakonima u zemljama iz kojih su članice SEENIRPA-e.
Ĉlan 9.
Memorandum o saradnji stupa na snagu danom potpisivanja, a zaključuje se na neodređeno vreme.
Svaka Strana ga može raskinuti jednostrano, slanjem pismenog obaveštenja.
Memorandum se može izmeniti pisanom saglasnošću Strana potpisnica..
Ĉlan 10.
Memorandum je sastavljen u tri (3) istovetna primerka od kojih svaka Strana dobija po jedan.

1. Association of Ecological Movements (hereinafter ZEG) in Ljubljana, Slovenia,
2. The Croatian Association for the Protection of electromagnetic radiation (hereinafter HUZEZ) from Zagreb, Republic of Croatia and
3. Association BIOGEN (hereinafter BIOGEN), Belgrade, Republic of Serbia
Recognizing the role of civil society organizations (hereafter CSOs) in building a democratic society, as well as their contribution to the spreading of the idea of human rights, the rule of law in all spheres of life in the countries of Southeast Europe, particularly in the field of protection of the health and environment of the citizens of the growing presence sources of non-ionizing radiation (hereinafter NJZ) recognize the need for harmonization and respect the recommended precautions.
Recognizing that the adopted standards in the region and beyond, they do not respect the results of the latest-research findings in the biological sciences as well as in the field of public health implications of global exposure to electromagnetic fields (hereinafter EMC), ie. NJZ from izovora telecommunications technology and technology for the transmission of electricity, and works Establishing a mechanism of constructive cooperation in order to improve the information and education of the public.
Recognizing the interest in the establishment of closer forms of cooperation between civil society organizations, in order to strengthen the capacity to improve the situation in the region, the need and objective reporting, educating and communicating with the public in terms of use necessary precautions in place on the latest scientifically based conclusions about biološime effects, the latest conclusions of expert medical science impacts on the human body, we recognize that the right to health and a healthy environment, inalienable human rights.
Ruthless attitude of some scientific institutions, businesses and legal entities users NJZ sources in the region, caused by certain interests that conflict with the latest conclusions and recommendations of world authorities in this field, necessitates a continuous activity on finding the most appropriate and mutually acceptable forms of cooperation between all actors and CSOs in the region, building a sustainable model of public involvement democratically constructed communities in all stages of decision-making and
passing legislation, implementation and realization of the same, and their progressive change that will give our citizens and descendants guarantee a higher level of security and protection of all the consequences that can damage your health and endanger the environment,
The Parties have agreed on the following:
Article 1.
It forms a Regional Alliance, an alliance of associations, networks that its vision, mission program objectives, program and activities carried interest in the field of protection of human health and environmental protection from all types of NJZ.
Article 2nd
Name federation of associations, alliances, networks of CSOs:
Alliance of Southeast Europe for the protection of non-ionizing radiation SEENIRPA, in English: Southeastern Europe nonionizing radiation protection Alliance.
Article 3rd
SEENIRPA is open to independent non-governmental network of organizations involved in studying the impact of NJZ, open to cooperation with other organizations and individuals working in the field of protection of NJZ, health and the environment.
Article 4.
It will provide mutual regular collection and processing of information, exchange of information on activities relating to NJ Z effects on human health and the environment, the preparation, adoption and implementation of laws and strategies in the field of health protection of NJZ health and environmental protection, as well as implementation of international standards, recommendations, commitments and other WHO recommendations, BIOINITIATIVE ICNIRP and directives of the Council of Europe, European Parliament and European Commission, in conjunction.
SEENIRPA will establish the practice of regular meetings and consultations with CSOs (at least annually) in order to exchange information and gaining a better insight into the activities, capacities and resources that have associations that make up the alliance, and which can be put into operation in preparing reports, follow-up treatment by recommendations.
Article 5th
Office in the center of SEENIRPA will be in Belgrade, and it will inform the members of the alliance in organizing international conferences, regular monitoring of the activities of other expert scientific forum, conference, congresses, workshops, conferences in the countries of the region and the world.
Members will exchange SEENIRPA regularly informed of its activities and gatherings organized for the purpose of discussion of draft laws and other regulations in the field of NJZ zsdravlja and the environment in the countries in the region to be able to take part in these activities.
As part of its activities SEENIRPA will inform its members about the ongoing activities, to assist in realization of the same and promote cooperation at every level, from the administration and local government, through line ministries and other local and international authorities, to build its position and developed in the same the spirit of the recommended precautions
Article 6th
SEENIRPA will allow member states to participate in the process of making plans, activities and reports on the implementation of international obligations in the field of protection of NJZ health and the environment.
SEENIRPA will establish a practice of periodic meetings with the members or their representatives in order to monitor the implementation of the recommendations of WHO and other international and European scientific research institutions.
SEENIRPA will also establish the practice of periodic meetings with Member States which deal with implementation of the recommendations and the Aarhus Convention on access to information of public importance, in relation to the protection of citizens from NJZ and the environment with a view to:
(A) to define the ways to organize, monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of the Strategy implementation of the Aarhus Convention, directives and recommendations of expert bodies of the world, Europe and the region
(B) fixing any problems during the cooperation they arise.
Article 7th
The signatories, founders SEENIRPA will be a period of thirty (30) days from the moment of signing prepare all necessary documents and inform the responsible institutions in their countries to form alliance, as well as take the necessary steps for the registration of alliances in their home countries.
During this period will be made all the necessary documents that will define more precisely the place and role of the Member States, the organization SENIRPA-e what will work and strengthen the relationship with them to facilities that exist in this sector, among others, used in order to enable the formed body which to care about the objectives of the program created network.
Members shall, in accordance with its findings, indicate a violation of human rights in the field of protection of citizens from NJZ and the environment, which occur either because of flaws in the legal system, or due to a practice that is discriminatory or inappropriate.
Section 8.
SEENIRPA respects the independence of activities of civil society organizations unless they are prohibited by the Constitution or laws of the countries where members SEENIRPA-e.
With article 9.
The Memorandum of Understanding shall enter into force upon signature and shall be concluded for an indefinite period.
Each Party may terminate it unilaterally, by written notification.
Memorandum may be amended by written agreement of the Parties to ..
Of Article 10.
The memorandum was drawn up in three (3) identical copies of which each party receives one.

Termin "zračenje" kao uobičajeni izvor zabluda u vezi elektrosenzitivnosti

Draško Cvijanović, elektrohipersenzitivna osoba (svedočenje)

Reč zračenje u svakodnevnom govoru odnosi se uglavnom na nešto kao radioaktivnost ili recimo zračenje od sunca, gde se prenosom viška energije stvaraju jasna oštećenja. Kad pričamo o (navodnoj?) preosetljivosti na jako niske vrednosti elektromagnetnog polja, takvo neposredno oštećenje se najverovatnije uopšte ne dešava.
Istorijski, postoji razložan otpor da se odbaci ovaj model zračenja u vezi elektroosetljivosti jer trentuno nema drugog primenljivog modela, ali je metodološki neophodno da razlikujemo opis od verifikacije ili objašnjenja fenomena.
Jako niski nivoi polja ("zračenja") dokazano je jasno da su od nekakvog biološkog značaja (magnetroecepcija), iako je biološka svrha većinom nepoznata. Ipak, i dalje pod uticajem modela "zračenja" opstaje rezonovanje "ako nije agresivno, onda je sve u tvojoj glavi", koje je manje više dominantan stav danas, čak i kod dobronamernih istraživača koji nisu elektrosenzitivni.

Drasko Cvijanovic, electrically hypersensitive persons

"Radiation" in general speech refers mostly to something like ionizing or, say, UV impacts, where excessive energy transmission results in some observable damage. When talking about (alleged?) hypersensitivity to extremely low EMF levels such "automated" damage is probably not occurring at all.
There is a reasonable (historically induced) reluctance to abandon plausibility of radiation model to EHS due to lack of any other plausible model of influence, but it is methodologically necessary to separate the call for describing and endorsing the EHS phenomenon from the call to explain it.
Such extremely low impact stimuli have been well proven as biologically relevant (magnetoreception), although most of it's purpose remains unknown. Still, under (even implicit) influence of radiation model, persists the reasoning that "if it's not aggressive, than it is all in your head", which is more or less predominant standpoint now, even among well-minded researchers (who are not sensitive themselves).
Currently, to avoid such inputs there are claims from side of sufferers to redefine EHS definition as "discomfort related to environment which is influenced by operation of certain electric devices". It is rather brave but necessary step to avoid being ridiculed by calls to guess the radiation presence through so called provocation studies. That doesn't mean abandoning provocation studies, just necessity to redesign them without prejudices about the mechanism.

Proizvodi PXD Sistema zasnovani na nano-tehnologijI kristala metala u službi zaštite od elektrosmoga

Dipl. ing. geologije Rackov Aleksandar; PXD SISTEM DOO BEOGRAD

Čovečanstvo se u XXI veku suočava i postaje sve više svesno najveće nevidljive epidemije – elektrosmoga. Svakodnevno se povećava broj obolelih koji su konstantno izloženi štetnom uticaju elektrosmoga. Simptomi elektrosmoga su : nervoza, problemi sa koncentracijom, glavobolje, nesanice, gubljenje vitalnosti, smanjena telesna aktivnost. Epidemiološke studije i eksperimentalna istraživanja su dovela do zaključka da elektrosmog ima loš uticaj na zdravlje i kada je u dozvo-ljenim granicama jer ima kumulativni efekat kroz vreme izloženosti.
PXD SISTEM DOO već 12 godina proizvodi i plasira proizvode širom sveta zasnovane na nanotehnologiji kristala metala koji svojim efikasnim delovanjem neutrališu sve izvore elektrosmoga : geopatogeno zračenje – podzemne vode , rasedne površine ; zračenje iz kosmosa – hartmanova i kerijeva globalna mreža ; sve vrste elektromagnetnog zračenja – u domaćinstvu i van njega – dalekovodi , transformatori , bazne stanice mobilne telefonije.
Proizvodi PXD SISTEM-a su ispitani i sertifikovani od strane vodećih institiuta u EU – IGEF i BION . Ispitivanja su potvrdila efikasnost u zaštititi od elektrosmoga kao i pozitivan uticaj na korisnike proizvoda jer je delovanje trenutno i merljivo najsavremenijim uređajima.
Proizvode možemo podeliti u više grupa :
1. Prostorni zaštitnik – PXD BIOPIRAMIDA ,
2. LIČNE ZAŠTITNIKE – 5 različitih zaštitnika
3. Zaštita od elektrosmoga mobilnog telefona- PXD MOBIČIP.
Tehnologija se zasniva na nanokristalima metala u kojima se formira metalna veza a ona dovodi do pojave kvantnog skoka energije i formiranja plus polarizovanog polja koje sprečava loš uticaj elektrosmoga i izuzetno blagotvorno deluje na korisnike proizvoda.
Zaštitite efikasno sebe i vaše najmilije jer kada niste zaštićeni nijedan vid lečenja neće biti uspešan jer kako narodna uzrečica kaže – ne vraćajte se na mesto gde ste spavali ako je ono uzrok bolesti – samo ukoliko u međuvremenu to mesto niste efikasno zaštitili proizvodima PXD SISTEM-a.

Dipl. ing. geology Rackov Aleksaandar; PXD SYSTEM DOO BELGRADE

Mankind in XXI century faces and becoming more conscious biggest invisible epidemic - electrosmog. Every day increases the number of patients who are constantly exposed to the harmful effects of electrosmog. Symptoms of electrosmog are: nervousness, difficulty with concentration, headaches, insomnia, loss of vitality, decreased physical activity. Epidemiological studies and experimental studies have led to the conclusion that electrosmog has a bad effect on health when it dozvo tic-limits because it has a cumulative effect over time of exposure.
PXD SYSTEM LTD for 12 years produces and sells products worldwide based on nanotechnology crystals of metal that its effective action neutralize all sources of electrosmog: geopathogenic radiation - groundwater, surface fissure; radiation from space - Hartmann and Carrey's global network; all types of electromagnetic radiation - in the household and outside of it - power lines, transformers, base stations for mobile telephony.
Products PXD SYSTEM-and have been tested and certified by leading institiuta EU - IGEF and Bion. Tests have confirmed the effectiveness of the protection from electrosmog and positive impact on users of the product because it is functioning now and measurable by modern equipment.
The products can be divided into several groups: 1. Physical protector - PXD BIOPYRAMID 2. Personal Protector - 5 different patron 3. Protection against electrosmog mobile phone's PXD MOBIČIP.
The technology is based on nanocrystals of metal that forms the metal bond and it leads to the emergence of quantum leap of energy and formation plus polarized field which prevents the bad influence of electrosmog and extremely beneficial effect on users of the product.
Effectively protect yourself and your loved ones, because when you are not protected by any kind of treatment will not be successful because as folk saying goes - do not come back to the place where you are sleeping if it is the cause of the disease - only if in the meantime this site are not effectively protect products PXD System's .

Značaj i uloga udruga civilnog društva u promjenI legislative vezane za postavljanje baznih stanica

mr.sc. Daniela Bertić, Viši predavač UFGZ; Marja Čolak, potpredsjednica HUZEZ-a; mr. sc. ANKICA KOSOVEC-KRŽELJ, dipl. ing. el. Hrvatska udruga za zaštitu od elektromagnetnog zračenja HUZEZ

Ekstenzivan razvoj novih tehnologija unio je dramatične pozitivne promjene na globalnoj razini u načinu komuniciranja, poslovanja i svakodnevnog života, ali je donio i niz potencijalnih rizika za ljudsko zdravlje i okoliš. Zbog toga je izuzetno važno odgovorno korištenje mobilnih tehnologija, kao i razvijanje svijesti o mogućim neželjenim posljedicama, posebno uzimajući u obzir „ranjive „ skupine kao što su djeca i mladi.
Postojeća legislativa u Hrvatskoj, kad se radi o zaštiti zdravlja ljudi od sve agresivnije izloženosti radio frekvencijskim elektromagnetskim poljima baznih stanica mobilne telefonije, nažalost ne slijedi pozitivnu praksu većine zemalja EU. Na tu činjenicu upozorava Hrvatska udruga za zaštitu od elektromagnetnog zračenja (HUZEZ), koja nizom edukativnih javnih tribina, istupa u medijima, argumentiranim dopisima nadležnim institucijama pokušava podignuti javnu svijest o postojanju problema i inicirati promjenu nedovoljno kvalitetnih zakonskih rješenja.

Međunarodna komisija za zaštitu od neionizirajućeg zračenja (ICNIRP) izdala je 1998 g. smjernice (ICNIRP GUIDELINES) te preporučila granice dopuštene radijacije za frekvencijski spektar 0-300 GHz. Iako se u dokumentu navodi da će se granice kontinuirano revidirati sukladno novim istraživanjima, one za frekvencijsko područje iznad 100 kHz, u koje ulaze i radio frekvencije koje koristi mobilna telefonija, još uvijek nisu revidirane, iako se u proteklih 15 godina mobilne tehnologije doživjele globalnu ekspanziju. U smjernicama iz 1998 izričito se naglašava kako se predložene granice baziraju samo na kratkotrajnim termalnim efektima (podražaji perifernih živaca i mišića, opekotine) te da se kod njihovog definiranja nisu uzeli u obzir utjecaji dugotrajne izloženosti na povećanje rizika za rak, s obzirom na to da baza tada raspoloživih podataka nije bila dostatna za definiranje granica koje bi uključile i biološke utjecaje na stanice ljudskog tijela.
Četiri godine kasnije isto je tijelo izdalo dokument ICNIRP STATEMENT 2002 u kojem se traži primjena alternativnih strategija ograničavanja rizika, ukoliko raspoloživi podaci koji ukazuju na  moguće štetne utjecaje nisu dovoljni za određivanje graničnih razina. Tim se dokumentom ICNIRP na određeni način ogradio od vlastite preporuke graničnih razina, kao sigurnih kad se radi o mogućem riziku za maligna oboljenja.

2.1 Rezolu cije EU Parlamenta
Pitanje utjecaja elektromagnetskih polja na ljudsko zdravlje razmatrao je i Parlament EU.
U Rezoluciji br. 2252 (INI) usvojenoj 04.09.2008, između ostalog navodi se:
• granice izloženosti elektromagnetskim poljima koje su postavljene za širu javnost su zastarjele. One ne uzimaju u obzir utjecaj informacijskih i komunikacijskih tehnologija na ranjive skupine, kao što su trudnice, novorođenčad i djeca;
• izražava se velika zabrinutost BIOINITIATIVE izvješćem o EM poljima koje sumira preko 1500 studija o toj temi i ukazuje na zdravstvene rizike emisija mobilnih telefonskih uređaja (mobiteli, Wi-Fi / WiMAX, Bluetooth, DECT fiksni telefoni);
U međuvremenu je je BIOINITIATIVE grupa nastavila intenzivno pratiti, evaluirati i komparirati rezultate svih objavljenih i epidemioloških studija i znanstvenih istraživanja utjecaja EM radijacije niskog intenziteta na zdravlje ljudi. U najnovijem izvješću, objavljenom u travnju 2014. godine, upozorava se na zdravstveni rizik od bežičnih tehnologija. Navodi se kako studije objavljene 2012. i 2013. godine, utvrđuju konzistentnu povezanost povećanog rizika glioma (malignog tumora mozga), kao i akustičkog neuroma s korištenjem mobilnih i bežičnih telefona. Na bazi postojećih epidemioloških dokaza zauzeto je stajalište da bi radio frekvencijska polja trebala biti klasificirana kao „poznati ljudski karcinogen― , odnosno promijeniti klasifikaciju WHO iz grupe 2B u A..

U spomenutom izvješću se ističe da 65 posto (74 od 114) objavljenih studija dokazuje genetski utjecaj radio frekvencijske radijacije (oštećenje DNA), dok je u 68 posto (144 od 211) studija utvrđen utjecaj na nervni sustav. Navodi se da su mobilni bežični uređaji (telefoni i tableti) veliki izvor nepotrebnog biološkog stresa za um i tijelo te se upozorava na potrebu korištenja žičanog pristupa Internetu u školama.
Rezolucijom br. 2211 (INI) od 02.04.2009 Parlament EU izražava stav da bežična tehnologija (mobiteli, Wi-Fi / WiMAX, Bluetooth, DECT fiksni telefoni) koja emitira EM polja može imati negativne učinke na ljudsko zdravlje pogotovo za mlade ljude čiji je mozak još uvijek u razvoju.
U toj rezoluciji Parlament EU:
• osuđuje agresivne marketinške kampanje teleoperatera koje uključuju prodaju mobitela i prigodnih paketa namijenjenih djeci i mladima;
• skreće pozornost na oprez i preporuku da se mobilni se telefoni ne bi smjeli koristiti preko razumne granice kad su u pitanju djeca;
• potiče široki spektar kampanji podizanja svijesti kod mlade populacije o potrebi korištenja hands–free setova, što kraćem trajanju poziva, isključivanju mobitela kada se ne koriste te korištenju u područjima s dobrim signalom;
• poziva države članice da slijede primjer Švedske i prepoznaju osobe koje pate od elektro hipersenzibilnosti kako bi im se dala odgovarajuća zaštita te jednaka mogućnost za razvoj;
2.2 Rezolucija Vijeća Europe
U Rezoluciji VE br. 1815 ističe se da telekomunikacije i mobilna telefonija „čini se imaju više ili manje potencijalno štetne, ne-termičke, biološke utjecaje na ljudsko tijelo čak i kod izlaganja razinama nižim od službenih graničnih vrijednosti―.
VE snažno preporučuje primjenu principa predostrožnosti i upozorava kako čekanje egzaktnih znanstvenih i kliničkih dokaze prije poduzimanja mjera za sprečavanje poznatih rizika, može imati vrlo visoku cijenu za zdravlje i ekonomiju, kao što je bilo u slučaju azbestoze, olovnog benzina i duhana.
Rezolucijom se između ostalog traži:

• poduzimanje svih razumnih mjera da bi se smanjila izloženost elektromagnetskim poljima, posebno radiofrekvencijama mobilnih telefona, posebno djece i mladih, kao najrizičnije skupine za tumore glave;
• preispitivanje znanstvene baze za postojeće standarde ICNIRP-a zbog njihovih ozbiljnih ograničenja;
• kampanje za podizanje svijesti o rizicima potencijalno štetnih bioloških utjecaja elektromagnetskih polja na okoliš i ljudsko zdravlje, posebno mladih i ljudi u reproduktivnoj dobi;
• zaštitu elektro senzitivnih osoba koje pate od sindroma intolerancije na elektromagnetska polja;
• poticanje istraživanja i razvoja telekomunikacija baziranih na tehnologijama koje su jednako efikasne, ali manje štetne za zdravlje i okoliš;
• postavljanje preventivnih granica za dugotrajnu izloženost na 1% od sadašnjih ICNIRP vrijednosti;
Unatoč suprotnim uvjeravanjima, Hrvatska ima bitno manje kvalitetnu zakonsku regulativu postavljanja baznih stanica mobilne telefonije nego druge zemlje u Europi, koje osim poštivanja dozvoljenih granica zračenja, primjenjuju i niz alternativnih strategija za izbjegavanje i ograničavanje zdravstvenog rizika. To uključuje obavezu transparentnog komuniciranja planova za razvoj mobilnih mreža s lokalnom upravom i lokalnom zajednicom, dogovor oko lokacija za postavljanje baznih stanica, poštivanje urbanih, estetskih i pejzažnih kriterija smještaja antenskih stupova i krovnih prihvata u prostor, usklađivanje s prostornim planovima, izradu studija utjecaja na okoliš i ili/zdravlje i sličnih dokumenata, kojima se, u skladu s točkom 8.4.4 Rezolucije VE 1385, osigurava da se antene mobilne telefonije ne postavljaju isključivo i jedino prema interesima tele operatera, nego u dogovoru s lokalnom ili regionalnom upravom i lokalom zajednicom kao i udrugama zabrinutih građana. Komparativni pregled legislative svih država Europe dan je u studiji „Base Station Planning Permission― koju izdaje Svjetska asocijacija mobilnih operatera (GSMA-E). Prema toj studiji Hrvatska je jedna od samo četiri zemlje u Europi (uz Rumunjsku, Portugal i Slovačku) u kojoj nije obavezna javna rasprava kao ni konzultacija s organima lokalne uprave, a uz to za postavljanje antenskih tornjeva na zemlji i baznih stanica na krovovima postojećih objekata ne treba građevinska ni lokacijska dozvola.
U Hrvatskoj nisu propisani nikakvi eventualni kriteriji udaljenosti od stambenih objekata, škola ili vrtića kao ni visine u odnosu na okolne zgrade.
U Hrvatskoj se, suprotno točki 8.3.1. Rezolucije Vijeća Europe 1385, ne provode informacijske kampanje putem ministarstava zdravlja, školstva i zaštite okoliša usmjerene na učitelje, roditelje i djecu s ciljem upozoravanja na specifične rizike dugotrajne upotrebe mobilnih telefona i drugih uređaja koji emitiraju radio frekvencijsko zračenje. Ne potiču se ni kampanje za podizanje svijesti o manje rizičnim načinima korištenja mobilnih telefona koje je preporučio EU Parlament Rezolucijom 2211(INI).

Agresivno postavljanje baznih stanica u gusto naseljenim isključivo stambenim zonama, u neposrednoj blizini škola, vrtića i objekata društvene namjene u kojima borave ranjive skupine, dovodi do spontanog nezadovoljstva građana i inicijativa za definiranje pravila implementacije takvih objekata u prostor. Tele operateri imaju standardni odgovor ― poštujemo zakone Republike Hrvatske, imamo sve potrebne dozvole nadležnih institucija―. Kod toga ne navode da im treba jedino dozvola Ministarstva zdravlja, koju s obzirom na relativno visoke granice dopuštenog zračenja, bez problema dobivaju i makro ćelijske bazne stanice postavljene na obiteljskim kućama 10-tak metara prozora i balkona u susjedstvu, te dozvola vlasnika krova ili zemljišta. Drugi standardni odgovor je da „ ne postoje nikakvi znanstveno utemeljeni dokazi da su razine zračenja koje emitiraju uređaji mobilne telefonije štetni za ljudsko zdravlje―.
HUZEZ, kao udruga koja djeluje na nacionalnoj razini, pokušava podići razinu svijesti građana Hrvatske o potrebi primjene principa predostrožnosti i uvažavanja preporuka relevantnih institucija EU. S obzirom da u Hrvatskoj nisu javno dostupni podaci o postavljenim izvorima ne ionizirajućeg zračenja te rezultatima mjerenja emisija njihovih elektromagnetskih polja, HUZEZ je na svojoj web stranici postavio interaktivnu kartu na koju građani mogu prijaviti probleme vezane za elektromagnetsko zračenje, unijeti lokaciju i postaviti fotografiju. Veliki broj prijava zorna je ilustracija kaotičnog stanja diljem zemlje.

Ministarstva zdravlja i graditeljstva iako suočeni s rastućim nezadovoljstvom i kritikama javnosti, sa svakim novim zakonom ili pravilnikom, unazađuju postojeće stanje. Primjerice, do 2009 u Hrvatskoj su bile potrebne građevinske dozvole, zatim su ukinute najprije za krovne prihvate, pa 2011 za antenski stup s baznom stanicom, a 2014 za „antenski stup elektroničke komunikacijske opreme, uključujući i elektroničku komunikacijsku opremu.― Ministarstvo zdravlja novim je Pravilnikom iz 2014 g. udvostručilo granice dozvoljenog zračenja za profesionalnu izloženost radnika, ukinulo dnevno ograničenje od najviše 8 sati te uvođenjem pojma „javna površina― u naseljenim mjestima suzilo područje „povećane osjetljivosti― i podizanjem granice praktički na razinu ICNIRP-om u potpunosti suspendiralo princip predostrožnosti na tim područjima.
Time je prekršena obvezujuća Direktiva 2013/35/EU EUROPSKOG PARLAMENTA I VIJEĆA od 26.06.2013.g., koja definira minimalne zdravstvene i sigurnosne standarde za izloženost radnika rizicima elektromagnetskih polja i koja ne dopušta nazadovanje u postojećim standardima zaštite u svojim članicama. HUZEZ je zbog toga u svibnju 2015 podnio Europskoj komisiji prijavu protiv Ministarstva zdravlja RH. Obaviješteni smo da je prijava registrirana, ali odgovor na nju uvijek čekamo pola godine.
Sudeći prema važećoj legislativi u RH, vezano za postavljanje baznih stanica mobilne telefonije, resorna ministarstva u prvi plan nažalost stavljaju komercijalne interese tele operatera, nauštrb zaštite zdravlja ljudi, prava na transparentno informiranje te participacije lokalne zajednice i organa lokalne uprave u izboru lokacija za postavljanje baznih stanica.
Relevantne institucije EU u pravilu daju preporuke i smjernice, ali prepuštaju svojim članicama da samostalno odlučuju o razinama zračenja i drugim mehanizmima zaštite od elektromagnetskih polja.

Nameće se pitanje -što poduzeti? Odgovor je - osnažiti udruge civilnog društva, uključenost zainteresirane javnosti, transparentno informiranje, komunikaciju s lokalnom zajednicom i organima lokalne uprave. U podizanju svijesti o potencijalnim zdravstvenim rizicima prekomjernog korištenja uređaja mobilne telefonije presudnu ulogu mogu odigrati i mediji.

M.Sc. Daniela Bertic, Senior Lecturer UFGZ,  Marja Colak, Vice HUZEZ-a, mr. Sc. ANKICA Kosovec-KRŽELJ, BSc. ing. el. , Croatian Association for Protection of electromagnetic radiation HUZEZ

The extensive development of new technologies has brought a dramatic positive change on a global level in communication, business and everyday life, but also brought a number of potential risks to human health and the environment. Therefore it is extremely important to the responsible use of mobile technology, as well as raising awareness about the possible adverse consequences, especially taking into account the "vulnerable" groups such as children and young people.
The current legislation in Croatia, when it comes to protecting people's health by becoming more aggressive exposure to radio frequency electromagnetic fields from mobile telephone base stations, unfortunately does not follow the good practice of the majority of EU countries. This fact warns Croatian Association for Protection of electromagnetic radiation (HUZEZ), that a series of educational public forums, appearances in the media, argued letters to the competent institutions trying to raise public awareness of the problem and initiate change in poor-quality legal solutions.
The first recommendations of the International Commission for Protection against Non-Ionizing Radiation
The International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP) has issued in 1998. Guidelines (ICNIRP guidelines) and recommended the limits of permissible radiation for the frequency range 0-300 GHz. While the document states that border continuously revised according to new research, one for the frequency range above 100 kHz, in entering the radio frequencies used by mobile phones, have not yet been revised, although in the past 15 years mobile technology experienced global expansion . In the 1998 guidelines explicitly emphasizes that the proposed limits are based only on short-term thermal effects (stimuli peripheral nerves and muscles, burns) and that in their defining did not take into account the effects of long term exposure to increased risk of cancer, due to the fact that Base then available data was not sufficient to define the boundaries of which would include the biological effects on cells of the human body.
Four years later, the same body issued the document ICNIRP STATEMENT 2002 that required the use of alternative strategies for limiting the risks, if the available information indicates possible harmful effects are not sufficient to determine threshold levels. This document ICNIRP in a way distanced himself from his own recommendations threshold levels, as safe when it comes to the possible risk of malignancies.
2nd POSITION relevant institutions 2.1 Resolution of the EU Parliament
The issue of the impact of electromagnetic fields on human health were discussed by the EU Parliament.
In Resolution no. 2252 (INI) adopted on 04.09.2008, inter alia states:
• limits of exposure to electromagnetic fields which have been set for the general public are obsolete. They do not take into account the impact of information and communication technologies to vulnerable groups, such as pregnant women, infants and children;
• expressed great concern BIOINITIATIVE Report on EM fields which summarizes over 1500 studies on that topic and points to the health risks of emissions of mobile telephone (cell phones, Wi-Fi / WiMAX, Bluetooth, DECT landline telephones); Meanwhile, the group continued BIOINITIATIVE intensively monitor, evaluate and compare the results of all published and epidemiological studies and scientific research of the influence of EM radiation of low intensity on human health. The latest report, published in April 2014, warns of the health risks of wireless technologies. It said the study published in 2012 and 2013, establish a consistent link between an increased risk of glioma (malignant brain tumors), as well as acoustic neuroma with the use of mobile and cordless phones. On the basis of existing epidemiological evidence taken the view that radio frequency fields should be classified as a "known human carcinogen", or change the classification of the WHO from the group 2B in the A ..
In the mentioned report points out that 65 percent (74 of 114) of published studies proving the genetic influence of radio frequency radiation (DNA damage), while in 68 percent (144 of 211) study determined the impact on the nervous system. It is alleged that as mobile wireless devices (phones and tablets) major source of unnecessary stress for biological mind and body and highlight the need to use the wired Internet access in schools.
Resolution no. 2211 (INI) 02.04.2009 EU Parliament expressed the view that wireless technology (mobile phones, Wi-Fi / WiMAX, Bluetooth, DECT landline telephones) that emits EM fields may have adverse effects on human health, especially for young people whose brains are still developing. In that resolution the EU Parliament:

• condemns the aggressive marketing campaign teleoperator involving the sale of mobile phones and festive packages for children and young people;
• draws attention to the caution and recommendation to the mobile phones should not be used beyond reasonable limits when it comes to children;
• promotes a wide range of campaigns to raise awareness among young population on the need to use hands-free sets, the shortest duration of the call, turning off cell phones when not in use and in areas with good signal;
• calls on Member States to follow the example of Sweden and to recognize people suffering from electrical hypersensitivity to give them the appropriate protection, and equal opportunities for development;

2.2 Resolution of the Council of Europe

In Resolution No. VE. 1815 pointed out that telecommunications and mobile telephony, "seem to have more or less potentially harmful, non-thermal, biological effects on the human body even at exposure levels lower than the official limit values".
CoE strongly recommended the application of the precautionary principle and warned that waiting exact scientific and clinical proof before taking action to prevent well-known risks, can have a very high cost for the health and the economy, as it was in the case of asbestosis, leaded petrol and tobacco.

The resolution, among other things asks:

• take all reasonable measures to reduce exposure to electromagnetic fields, especially to radio frequencies of mobile phones, especially children and youth, as well as the highest risk for tumors of the head;
• review the scientific basis for the existing standards ICNIRP because of their serious limitations;
• campaigns to raise awareness about the risks of potentially harmful biological effects of electromagnetic fields on the environment and human health, especially young people of reproductive age;
• protection electro sensitive persons suffering from the syndrome of intolerance to electromagnetic fields;
• promoting research and development of telecommunications-based technologies that are equally effective, but less harmful to health and the environment;
• setting up preventive limit for long-term exposure to 1% of the current value of the ICNIRP;

Contrary to the assurances, Croatia has a considerably lower quality legislation setting up mobile telephone base stations than other countries in Europe, which in addition to compliance wit h allowable limits of radiation, and apply a range of alternative strategies for avoiding and limiting health risks. This includes the obligation to transparent communication plans for the development of mobile networks with the local administration and the local community, an agreement on the location for setting up base stations, respecting urban, aesthetic and landscape criteria accommodation masts and roof acceptance in space, harmonization with spatial planning, development impact study environmental and / or health and similar documents, which, in accordance with paragraph 8.4.4 of Resolution VE 1385, ensures that the cell tower is not placed solely and only to the interests of the calf operators, but in agreement with local and regional governments and Space community and associations of concerned citizens. A comparative overview of legislation of all the countries of Europe is presented in the study "Base Station Planning Permission" issued by the World Association of mobile operators (GSMA-E). According to this study, Croatia is one of only four countries in Europe (along with Romania, Portugal and Slovakia) which is not mandatory public hearing as well as consultations with local government bodies, and also to set up antenna towers on the ground and base stations on the roofs of existing buildings does not need any building location permit.
Croatia does not provide for any possible criteria distance from residential buildings, schools and kindergartens as well as the height in relation to the surrounding buildings.
In Croatia, contrary to Section 8.3.1. Council of Europe Resolution 1385, do not carry out information campaigns through the ministries of health, education and environmental protection aimed at teachers, parents and children to alert the specific risks of long-term use of mobile phones and other devices that emit radio frequency radiation. I do not encourage it either campaign to raise awareness about less risky ways of using mobile phones recommended by the EU Parliament Resolution 2211 (INI).
4th civic initiatives and civil society organizations
Aggressive setting up base stations in densely populated exclusively residential areas, near schools, daycare centers and facilities of social purpose in which they reside vulnerable groups, leading to spontaneous dissatisfaction of citizens and initiatives to define the rules for implementation of such objects in space. Calf operators have a standard response "we respect the laws of the Republic of Croatian, we have all the necessary permission from the competent institution." When this does not suggest that they should only permit the Ministry of Health, which given the relatively high limits of permissible radiation, no problem getting the macro cell base station placed on family houses 10 meters of windows and balconies in the neighborhood, and the permission of the roof or land . Other standard answer is that "there are no scientifically based evidence that the levels of radiation emitted by mobile devices harmful to human health".
HUZEZ, as an organization that operates on a national level, trying to raise awareness of Croatian citizens about the need to apply the precautionary principle, and taking into account the relevant recommendations of the EU institutions. Given that Croatia is not publicly available data set sources of ionizing radiation and not the results of measurements of emissions of their electromagnetic fields, HUZEZ on its website set up an interactive map on which citizens can report issues related to electromagnetic radiation, enter the location and set up photo. A large number of applications is a vivid illustration of the chaotic conditions around the country.
Ministry of Health and Construction, although faced with growing discontent and criticism from the public, with every new law or regulation, diminishing them the current situation. For example, to 2009 in Croatia were necessary building permits, then were eliminated first to accept the roof, and 2011 for the mast to the base station, and in 2014 for "mast to electronic communications equipment, including electronic communications equipment." The Ministry of Health's new Regulations from 2014 g. double the limit of radiation exposure to occupational workers, lifted the daily limit of a maximum of 8 hours, and introducing the concept of "public space" in the urban areas narrowed area "increased sensitivity" and raising the limits on the ICNIRP virtually a fully suspended principle precautions in these areas.
This violated binding Directive 2013/35 / EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 26.06.2013.g., which defines the minimum health and safety standards for workers' exposure to risks of electromagnetic fields and which does not allow the decline in existing standards of its members. HUZEZ is because in May 2015 the European Commission submitted a complaint against the Ministry of Health of Croatia. We have been informed that the application has been registered, but the answer to it still waiting for half a year.
According to the current legislation in the Republic of Croatia, regarding the installation of base stations of mobile telephony, the relevant ministries to the forefront unfortunately put commercial interests calf operators, at the expense of human health protection, the right to transparent information and participation of the local community and the local government body in the selection of location for setting up base cells.
The relevant EU institutions generally provide recommendations and guidelines, but leave it to its members to decide independently on the levels of radiation and other mechanisms of protection against electromagnetic fields.
This begs the question -what to do? The answer is - to strengthen civil society, the involvement of the interested public, transparent information, communication with the local community and local government bodies. In raising awareness of the potential health risks of excessive use of mobile devices can play a crucial role and media.

Зaштитa од електромагнетни зрачења, гео-космопатологија

Д-р. Стојан Велкоски, Институт ГАПЕ – Скопје e-mail: contact@igape.edu.mk
Клучни зборови: Зрачења, Заштита од зрачења, геопатологија, космопатологија

Човекот за штетноста и последиците од електромагнетните зрачења осознал уште од самото свое постоење. Таа појава пред се била од природните извори на електро магнетните зрачења: космички и геопатогени, од космичките извори кои до сега научно се публикувани и докажани се трите космички мрежи, космичкиот С Рој и космичкиот С појас кои дејствуваат точкесто на Земјата. Исто така геопатогените извори на зрачења предизвикани од разни геолошки аномалии и сл. кои најчесто линеарно се среќаваат. За нивното детектирање во почетокот ги користеле инстиктот од пооделни животни но и со помош на соодветни помагала. Во полето на заштитата најчесто ја користеле превентивната заштита итоа со претходно избрана локација за градба на објектите. Денес кога во спектарот на ел.маг. зрачење имаме голем број на се позачестени технички извори, постои неопходна потреба од соодветна заштита од ел.маг. зрачење. Токму во тоа поле постојат т.н. заштити од ел.маг. зрачење кои можат да се поделат во три групи на заштитни сретства итоа: по пат на трансформација, по пат на рефлекција и по пат на плацебо ефект. Промената на полето кое се добива со помош на уредот претставува заштита со помош на трансформирање, додека поместувањето на полето во просторот претставува рефлекција а производот со нападни маркетиншки реклами и без никакви научнотехнички поткрепени, туку користење на нереални и нестручни факти од здруженија и слично, за корисникот може да претставуваат плацебо ефект а истовремено за понудувачот лесно може да се претвори во кривично дело. Во тој поглед во делот на безбедната заштитата од електромагнетните зрачења треба едукацијата, науката и правото треба да бидат во тесна соработка.

Д-р. Стојан Велкоски, Институт ГАПЕ – Скопјеe-mail: contact@igape.edu.mk
Кључнe речи: Зрачења, Заштита од зрачења, геопатологија, космопатологија

Човек, за штете и последице електромагнетног зрачења свесан је од самог постојања. Овај феномен је, пре свега, из природних извора електромагнетског зрачења које можемо поделити н: космичка и гео-патогених, од космичких извора који су до сада научно доказана, а познато је да су до сада објављене три космичке мреже, Космички С-Рој и Космички С-појас, које делују по местима на Земљи. Такође Геопатогени извори зрачења
изазвани разним аномалијама геологије итд. најчешће се налазе у линеарном дејству. За њихову детекцију-рано откривање људи су користили посебан жиовотни инстикт уз коришћење одговарајућих помагала. У области заштите најчешће су користели превентивне заштите и то са цињем да би унапред изабрали локацију за изградњу објеката. Данас, када је спектар ел.маг. зрачење све већи и већи, од разних техничких ресурса, потребно је применити адекватне методе заштите ел.маг. зрачење. Те заштитне опреме могу се поделити у три групе ито: 1.путем трансформације, 2. кроз рефлексију и 3. плацебо ефекат. Промена поље добија се помоћу уређаја за заштиту, помоћу трансформације, док промена локације зрачења добија се путем рефлектујућих елемената, док производе који само по пут маркетинга наступају под мото заштитни сретстава од ел.маг.зрачења и без икаквих научнотехничких доказа има само плацебо ефекат, што може лако претворити и у злочин. У том смислу у вези са сигурношћу заштите од електромагнетног зрачења и заштиту од ―преваре‖ потрошача грађана, потребно је организовано деловање на: образовање, науку и закон, а сви субјекти треба да буде у блиској сарадњи.

PhD Stojan Velkoski, Institute GAPE – Skopje, e-mail: contact@igape.edu.mk
Keywords: Protection against electromagnetic radiation, Radiation, Electrosmkog

People have been aware of the consequences of electromagnetic radiations since the earliest times of their existence. This phenomenon resulted mainly from the natural source of those radiations: cosmic and geo-pathogenic ones.
The cosmic sources that have been scientifically proved and presented in published material are the three cosmic grids, as well as the cosmic S swarm and the cosmic S strip, of which the influence on the Earth is in a dotted pattern. Other sources of radiations are the geo-pathogenic ones, resulting from many geological anomalies which are observed as linear. All of them were, at first, detected by the instinct of certain animals but also by certain devices. One of the preventive measures was the careful choice of the location where each building was to be erected. Nowadays, when the electromagnetic radiations come from numerous technological sources, there is an increased necessity of protection against them. The devices actually used for protection against the electromagnetic radiations can be divided into three groups as follows: devices protecting by transformation, those protecting by reflection and the ones protecting by placebo effect. The transformation of the field, achieved by the device, provides for protection by transformation while the displacement of the field ensures reflection. Yet some products are supported only by aggressive marketing and not by any scientific or technical proof. They use false facts unprofessionally obtained from associations. Those devices may incite placebo while resulting in a criminal act committed by their manufacturer. Therefore, the cooperation of education, science and law is necessary in order to provide for safe protection against the electromagnetic radiations.

Ecologic architecture

Drago Vrhovnik;Institute for sustainable solutions; Kamnik, Slovenia, trajnostneresitve@gmail.com

Sleeping above underground water, geopathic zones, Earth's magnetical grid and in room withelectromagnetical radiation has bad influence on our health.Rudolf Breuss wrote a book titled The Breuss Cancer Cure: Advice for the Prevention and Natural Treatment of Cancer, Leukemia and Other Seemingly Incurable Diseases which iscorelated with irradiation.
Our health is result of environment were we live and level of stress that we have. We are surrounded with various radiation‘s called Geopathic stress.

Geopathic Zones When natural radiation rises through the Earth, its wavelength is distorted by weak electromagnetic fields emanating from subterranean running water, mineral concentrations, fault lines and underground cavities. Geopathic Zones can also be man-made. These zones are caused by electromagnetic fields emanating from structures such as high-tension power wires, satellite towers, and electrical street poles or fuse boxes.

Personal Zones and Interference lines
Personal zones produce an energy, that grates on the energy of a given person or animal, producing a chronic subtly annoying and irritating effect. Quick and positive changes occur when these are neutralized. It is strongly recommended that home-based businesses and office buildings be checked for such interference.

The Hartmann Grid
Hartmann lines were discovered in 1950 by a German medical doctor, Ernst Hartmann. These lines run in a North-South orientation at +/-2m intervals, and in an East-West orientation at +/- 2.5m intervals, forming a grid around the Earth. The junction of two Hartmann Lines is known as a grid knot. Harmful radiation is intensified at these junctions, and they are considered to be the worst place for an individual to sleep or work.
The Benker Grid
The Benker Cubical System is named after Austrian researcher Anton Benker. The grid is formed by energy lines spaced +/-10meters apart and aligned magnetically in a North-South and
East-West orientation. The electromagnetic walls of these ―blocks‖ are about 1 meter in diameter and the radiation emitted by them is harmful to the immune system, particularly when exposed to points of intersection over extended periods of time.

The Curry Net
The Curry net is named after Dr Manford Curry who discovered the lines, which form the net covering the Earth. These lines were originally a necessary, healthy part of the morphology of the planet. However, over the last 30 years they have become negatively charged due to manmade transmitters and power lines. They run 3-5 meters apart in a Northeast-Southwest and Northwest-Southeast orientation across the globe, getting closer together as they approach the equator. ECurry Lines are most powerful when the sun is at the opposite end of the Earth. It is considered to be an extremely bad idea to sleep over them, because the body behaves as a battery and discharges energy to these lines. As a result the individual wakes after a full night‘s sleep feeling drained and exhausted.

Ley lines
Ley lines originate below the Earth‘s surface, occurring between predominantly big, hollow natural landforms e.g. caves, volcanoes, lakes etc. Many spiritual centers are built on these lines in order to accentuate their power. Ley lines can however become toxic after deviating along power lines, roads, quarries and other manmade structures, and can become negatively charged when overlaid by streams, Hartmann knots, electrical towers, etc.

Electromagnetic Radiation
Negative radiation can be emitted by electrical devices within a building (e.g. television sets, computers, broadband internet, electrical blankets, cell phones, etc), or from external sources (e.g. high tension wires, sub-stations, satellite dishes, cell phone towers, x-rays, landlines, base stations, etc.)

Cell Phones
A cell phone is the only radiation-emitting consumer product that people intentionally hold against their heads. The electromagnetic radiation emitted is similar to microwave radiation used to cook food in a microwave. Current research has shown that 70% of the radiation emitted by cell phones is absorbed by the head, creating ―hot spots‖ in the brain. ERadiation from cell phones has also been linked to damage to the immune system, brain tumors, fatigue, headaches, rise in blood pressure, short-term memory loss and reduced learning capacity. Anybody with a genetic predisposition to cancer should not use a cell phone at all, as such a high level or radiation can set the process in motion.

Microwave Radiation (MW)
Microwave radiation is electromagnetic radiation (EM) which falls in the frequency range between 300MHz and 300GHz. Natural low-frequency EM fields come from two sources, namely, the sun and thunderstorm activity. However, at sufficiently high power densities, RF/MF energy can cause blindness and sterility and can alter the human body‘s circadian rhythms, immune system, and the chemical signals communicated through cellular membranes. Radar systems detect the presence, direction or range of moving objects. It is achieved by sending pulses of high frequency electromagnetic fields (EMF). Radars usually operate at radio frequencies (RF) between 300 MHz and 15 GHz. RF fields within this part of the electromagnetic spectrum are known to interact badly with the human body.
Measurement were made with GDV Sputnik sensor- Solar power plant Results show that solar plant decrease area and intensity in environment. Because of low energy, people who spent time in a house with solar plant didn‘t feel fine, and has deficiency of energy and physical body. That‘s why i can say that solar plant has bad influence on human and environment as well.
- Base stations Research shows very low or very high energy area in environment and level of kaos is high.
- Land lines Different land lines has different impact on environment, depend of power. Close to land lines we found out high level of kaos.
The principles of gas discharge digital images registration with subsequent computer processing and analysis have been developed by Dr. Konstantin Korotkov in mid-90th. Basing on this principle and construction different modifications of Electrophotonic / Gas Discharge Visualization (EPC/GDV) devices have been developed. These devices are being used for examining human psycho-emotional and physiological state, and for research of different natural environmental objects. Using the EPC/GDV hardware-software complex one can register dynamics of changes of investigated objects, but cannot evaluate the absolute valuesof object‘s intrinsic properties, such as, for example, electrical capacitance or other physical characteristics.
Different factors can influence the obtained results during measurements of natural environmental objects and most of them are of no interest to the researcher. In fact they just increase the inaccuracy of measurements. Till the present moment there were no scientifically proven rules of conducting such measurements. This drawback has led to problems wittreatment, statistical processing and interpretation of obtained results. The aim of this work is to discover destabilizing factors that influence the obtained results, to find ways of overcoming these factors, and the development of a standard procedure for conducting such experiments and processing of obtained data.

Measuring energetic properties of materials and geo-active zones
The high sensitivity of the EPC/GDV Technology facilitates measuring even minor changes in energetic properties of different materials, of spaces and of buildings. This technology can be applied in areas where traditional measurement techniques are unable to show any significant differences due to their limited measurement rang. Today, traditional knowledge of ecological building materials, geometrically balanced architecture or natural construction craftsmanship is seldom taught in education centers for architecture and construction business. As a result, a growing number of people is subject ton subtle stress caused by geo-active zones without having any detailed knowledge of such phenomena. Certain symptoms, repeated health challenges and therapy resistance may be some of the consequences of living in areas of geo-active zones (underground water passages, fault lines, radio towers and high voltage power lines etc.). Using the EPC/GDV Technology the possible influence form such phenomena can be studied and their influence on the Human Energy Field can be evaluated.
At the same time it is possible to study the effect of methods and technologies that aim at harmonizing or balancing geo-active zones. Since we study the effect of both the geo-active zone and the harmonizing tools on the Human Energy Field we are able to assess the efficiency of the proposed measures for balancing geo-active zones.

Free FIBER For Swiss Schools – WiFi Warnings
October 21, 2010. While the rest of the world rushes onwards with the wireless revolution, Switzerland – the country that invented the World Wide Web – and the largest telecom provider – SWISSCOM which is owned (52%) by the Swiss government - have decided to light up the public school‘s wired networks using fiber optics FOR FREE!(http://www.magdahavas.com/ free-internet-access-in-swiss-schools-no-wifi/)

July 28, 2010. Researchers prove damage occurs in the mobility and DNA fragmentation of sperm if near the WiFi transmitter.
Assumptions are well known that the electromagnetic waves radiated by cell phones, microwave ovens, computers and electrical appliances may cause adverse health effects. In fact, the World Health Organization (WHO) has formed a special division for researchers studying the effect of electromagnetic radiation.

Posted February 2010. In December 2009 an array of cell phone antennas was placed on an apartment building at 2 Regal Rd. in downtown Toronto, much to the surprise of the residents who first became aware of this construction as the cranes moved in. Within two months, those who lived on the top floor of this apartment building began to feel ill. Nausea, dizziness, buzzing in the ears, headaches, head pressure, difficulty sleeping, brain fog, skin rash, burning sensation in the skin, and a metallic taste in the mouth were just some of the symptoms. One woman and her daughter became so sick, they could no longer stay in their apartment and moved in with friends. The antennas were close enough to be touched by a broom from the top floor balcony. (http://www.magdahavas.com/are-cell-phone-antennas-on-apartmentbuildings-safe/)

December 2009. The January issue of ―Prevention Magazine‖ steps up to the plate to highlight ―Dirty Electricity‖ and the health effects that are related to electromagnetic radiation. This article features the work of Sam Milham and Lloyd Morgan at La Quinta CA, where a cancer cluster among teachers was associated with the amount of dirty electricity in their classroom. Cancer clusters are showing up elsewhere but no one is measuring dirty electricity and perhaps they should be.
In the featured article, Magda Havas’s research is discussed and finds proof that exposure to transients may elevate blood sugar levels among people with diabetes and prediabetes an that people with multiple sclerosis improve their balance and have fewer tremors after just a few days in a transient- free environment. Her work also shows that after schools installed filters to clean up transients, two-thirds of teachers reported improvement in symptoms that had been plaguing them, including headache, dry eye, facial flushing, asthma, skin irritation, and depression. The article is catching the attention of many politicians and news media outlets. The magazine‘s deputy editor was recently interviewed on the FOX News channel about this highly controversialissue. (http://www.magdahavas.com/prevention-magazine-explains-dirty-electricity/)

For more information:
All articles are from http://www.magdahavas.com/ ;
Amiriak, B, HWM Chim, EH Chen, and DW Stepnick. updated Jun 24 2009.
Parotid Tumors. Calabrese, DM and RJ Frey. 2009.
Salivary Gland Tumors. Hardell, L. M. Carlberg, and K. Hansson Mild. 2009.
Epidemiological evidence for an association between use of wireless phones and tumor diseases. Pathophysiology 16(2):113-122. Lonn,S., A Ahlbom, HC Christensen, et al. 2006.
Mobile phone use and risk of parotid gland tumor. Amer. J. Epid. 164(7):637 National Cancer Institute. Salivary Gland Cancer Treatment. Sadetzki, S, A Chetrit, A Jarus-Hakak, E Cardis, Y Deutch, S Duvdevani, A Zultan, I Novikov, L Freedman, and M. Wolf. 2008.

Cellular phone use and risk of benign and malignant parotid gland tumors—A nationwide case-control study. Amer. J. Epid. 167 (4): 457-467.Zarbo, R. 2001.
Salivary Gland Neoplasia: A review of the practicing pathologist. Mod Pathol 202: 15(3): 298-323.2009).

Elektromagnetsko zraĉenje - dobar sluga, loš gospodar

„Ako budem imao sreće da ostvarim barem neke od svojih ideja,
to će biti dobročinstvo za celo čovečanstvo.
Ako se te moje nade ispune, najslađa misao biće mi ta
da je to delo jednog Slavena – Srbina.
(Nikola Tesla u vreme posete Beogradu 1892. god.)

Milan Rogulja, predsednik Udruženja BIOGEN Beograd; R.Srbija
Ključne reči: elektromagnetsko zračenje, izvori nejonizujućeg zračenja, zdravlje, zračenje mobilnog telefona, granične vrednosti, aktivnosti NVO, lična dozimetrija.

Naučno-tehnološki razvoj najviše se u poslednjoj dekadi prošlog veka i na početku ovog veka osetio u oblasti telekomunikacija i razvoja telekomunikacionih sistema. Brz i ekspanzivan razvoj tehnologija zasnovanih na bežičnom prenosu informacija uneo je revolulciju u komunikaciji i ostvario izraziti uticaj u svim sferama civilizacijskog života. Približavanje ljudi i prevazilaženja civilizacijskih razlika-rastojanja bilo je jedino moguće ukoliko se sistem razmena informacija nadogradi, do nivoa na kojem je sada, sa vidnim uticajem na sve sfere ljudskog života. Na socijalnoj, društvenoj i ekonomskoj sferi, beleži se nagli skok u razmeni iskustava, upravljanju i vođenju procesa uz neizbežno prisustvo komunikacionih tehnika koje su to mogle da podrže.
Multi nacionalne kompanije i razvijene zemlje spoznale su mogućnosti „informacije“ koja je u velikom broju slučajeva menjala tokove događaja i uticala na dalji razvoj civilizacije, ali...s obzirom na brzinu razvoja tehnologija (u par desetina godina od prve generacije mobilnih telefona i bežičnih uređaja za komunikaciju već sada se došlo do aparata koji su sposobni da obavljaju mnoge funkcije prenosa, ne samo glasa već i multimedijalnih, tekstualnih, auditivnih i vizuelnih poruka) nije bilo moguće ostvariti uvid i naučno validirati uticaj imisije elektromagnetskog zračenja (EMZ-NJZ) koje zbog energije (<12.4 eV) koju nose i permanentno kumuliraju u organizmu.
Za takva istraživanja potrebno je mnogo više godina nego što je prirast tehnologije to dozvoljavao. Veliki broj pokrenutih istraživanja, vrlo brzo, je zastarevao jer su se tehnologije bežičnog prenosa informacija mnogo brže razvijale i nije bilo dovoljno vremena za sagledavanje realnog uticaja EMZ-NJZ na ljudski organizam i životnu sredinu. Pored te otežavajuće okolnosti i podeljenost naučnog sveta je limitirajući faktor. Bipolarnost naučnika je otežavala konstruktivno odlučivanje u ovoj oblasti, jer se izdvajaju dva pogleda i pristupa uticaju koji ostavruje EMZ-NJZ na ljudski organizam i životnu sredinu. To su: TERMALNI-FIZIĈKI; koji zagovaraju pobornici elktrotehničkih nauka (60.-tih godina prošlog veka inženjeri i konstruktori sistema bežične komunikacije, i deo fizičara) ne uzimajući u obzir složenost i biološke specifikume ljudskog organizma i drugih živih organizama koje čine, sa ambijentom, životnu sredinu.
Drugi pristup, mnogo temeljniji, sa naše tačke gledišta i prihvatljiviji, NETERMALNI-BIOLOŠKI, u kojem se u obzir uzima specifikum vrsta(specia) i odvijanje biološko-fizioloških procesa kao uticaj i promena koje ostvaruje EMZ-NJZ na složene biološke sisteme. Upravo za ovaj drugi potrebno je mnogo više istraživanja, vremena, truda i zalaganja da bi se iz istog mogli izvući pravi i vredni zaključci, da bi na osnovu njih mogle biti preduzete adekvatne preventivne PP (precautionary principle) mere za korisnike mobilnih telefona i drugih sredstava bežičnog prenosa informacija na planetarnom nivou.
Kompleksnost ovakvih aktivnosti podrazumeva i razvijanje ljudske svesti i pojačavanje aktivnosti na polju informisanja i edukacije (svih struktura o pravilnom i bezbednom korišćnju ureĎaja koji emituju EMZ-NJZ za što je moguće povući paralelu sa korišćenjem nuklearne enrgije i vezanih procesa nuklearne fisije i fuzije u mirnodopske civilizacijske potrebe za energijom. ( Jurirj Grigorjev predsednik ruske nacionalne komisije za zaštitu od nejonizujućeg zračenja; 3. Konferencija ENNSER- evropska mreža naučnika i stručnih sardnika u obalsti zaštite zdravlja i životne sredine; maj 2012. Madrid; Španija).
Iz ovog rada jasno se može zaključiti da je i od samog početka kreiranje politika držvanih odgovrnih institucija neophodno aktivnije uključivanje javnosti i multidisciplinarni pristup (inženjeri telekomuniakcija, energetike, biologije, biofizike, medicine, epidemiologije i dr.) ovoj problematici, s čime bi dobili mnogo kvalitetniji i održiviji model preventivne zaštite od EMZ-NJZ ali i iznalaženje novijih načina kontrole izloženosti EMZ dostupnije opštoj populaciji i profesionalno izloženinim osobama te definisanju načina i sredstava za zaštitu ljudi i životne sredine od uticaja EMZ-NJZ.

"If I'm fortunate to achieve at least some of their ideas,
it will be a benefit for all mankind.
If my hopes are fulfilled, my sweetest thought will be
that thoseit was the work of one of the Slavs - Serbs. "
(Nikola Tesla during his visit to Belgrade in 1892).

Milan Rogulja, President of BIOGEN Beograd; R.Serbia

Keywords: electromagnetic radiation, sources of non-ionizing radiation, health, radiation mobile phone, the limit values, the activities of NGOs, personal dosimetry


Scientific and technological development of the highest in the last decade of the last century and at the beginning of this century felt in the field of telecommunications and development of telecommunication systems. The rapid and expansive development of technologies based on the wireless transmission of information entered is revolulciju communication and achieved a pronounced influence in all spheres of civilized life. Connecting people and overcoming civilizational difference-distance was only possible if the system is upgraded by exchanging information, to the point where it is now, with visible impact on all spheres of human life. At the societal, social and economic spheres, there has been no sudden jump in the exchange of experiences, management and conduct of the process with the inevitable presence of communication techniques that are able to support.
Multi-national companies and developed countries realized the possibilities of "information" that is in many cases changing trends and events affect the further development of civilization, but ... given the speed of technology development (in a few decades from the first generation of mobile phones and wireless communications devices now reach appliances that are able to perform many of the functions of transmission, not only voice but also multimedia, text, auditory and visual messages) it was not possible to get an insight and scientifically validated influence immission of electromagnetic radiation (EMR NJZ) that because consumption (<12.4 eV) carried and permanently accumulated in the body.
For such research takes a lot more years than the growth rate of technology to allow. The large number of ongoing investigations, very fast, is becoming outdated because the technology of wireless transmission of information much more rapidly progressing and there was insufficient time for consideration of the real impact of EMR NJZ on the human body and the environment. In addition to these aggravating circumstances and divide the scientific world is the limiting factor. Bipolarity scientists made it hard for constructive decision-making in this area, as it stands two views and approaches impact that are eligible for EMR NJZ on the human body and the environment. These are: thermal-physical; who advocate advocates elktrotehničkih Science (60-ies of the last century, engineers and designers of wireless communication system, and part  of physicists) without taking into account the complexity of biological and specific growth of the human body and other living organisms that form, with the environment, the environment.
The second approach, more fundamental, from our point of view and acceptable, non-thermal biological, which takes into account the specific element types (specia) and the operation of biological and physiological processes as well as the impact of the changes that achieves EMR NJZ in complex biological systems. It is for the latter requires much more research, time, effort and commitment to the same able to draw the right conclusions and valuable to them on the basis could be undertaken adequate preventive PP (precautionary principle) measures for users of mobile phones and other devices wireless transmission of information on a planetary scale.
The complexity of these activities involves the development of human consciousness and an intensification of activities in the field of information and education (all structures of correctly and safely by use of devices that emit EMR NJZ for which it is possible to draw a parallel with the use of nuclear energy production and related processes of nuclear fission and fusion for peaceful civilization energy needs. (Jurirj Grigorjev president of the Russian National Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation 3. The Conference ENNSER- European network of scientists and professional associates in obalsti protection of health and the environment; May 2012 Madrid, Spain).
From this study it can be clearly concluded that from the very beginning of the policy-držvanih odgovrnih institutions necessary active involvement of the public and the multidisciplinary approach (Telecommunication engineers, energy, biology, biophysics, medicine, epidemiology, etc.) To this issue, with which to get a lot higher quality and more sustainable model of preventive protection from EMR NJZ but finding newer ways of controlling exposure to EMR accessible to the general public and professional izloženinim people and define ways and means to protect people and the environment from the impact of EMR NJZ.

Poređenje uticaja prirodnih torzionih i teslinih skalarnih polja na emp, emz-njz i bio-strukture

Dipl.inž. Goran Marjanović, pronalazač


Brojna merenja na terenu i analiza snimljenih energetskih spektara zasnovanih na ―MT metodi‖, tj. merenjima – magnetno-telurskih struja, kombinovanih sa zračenjima prirodnih i tehničkih izvora elektromagnetskog (EM) zračenja, ukazala su na povoljan uticaj izvesnih prirodnih, kao i pojedinih namenski građenih, objekata poput piramidalnih struktura i/ili sakralnih objekata - na ambijentalna energetska polja, njihovu harmonizaciju i potiskivanje EM-smoga proizvodeći tako zdravu životnu sredinu. Ovo se može objasniti interferentnim efektima prostornih stojećih talasa i energetskih polja skalarne prirode, delovanjem složenih materijalnih struktura specijalne geometrije zasnovane na implementaciji kosmičkih konstanti poput zlatnog preseka, broja pi, baze prirodnog logaritma i sličnih, čime ti objekti stiču svojsta neke vrste ―višedimenzionalnih rezonatora‖, a samim tim i ambijentalnih bio-energetskih regulatora.
Isto tako, merenja uticaja Teslinih Skalarnih polja na ambijentalna energetska polja, kao i merenja PIP i GDV tehnologijom na promenu postojećih bio-polja delovanjem specifičnog energetskog polja konstituisanog specijalnim Teslinim kalemom pokazala su efekte energetske harmonizacije prostora i uticaja na bio-strukture veoma bliske onima koje su uočene na određenim prirodnim lokalitetima i specifičnim, najčešće sakralnim, objektima. Uočeni efekat bio-energetske harmonizacije prostora veoma je značajan za održanje ljudskog zdravlja i veoma važan motiv za dalja istraživanja i ispitivanja delovanja generatora Teslinih skalarnih polja na čoveka, biljke i životinje.

Dipl.inž. Goran Marjanovic


Numerous field measurements and analysis of recorded energy spectra based on the "MT method", ie. measurements - magneto-telluric currents, combined with radiation, natural and technical sources of electromagnetic (EM) radiation, pointed to the favorable impact of certain natural and individual purpose-built, objects such as pyramid structures and / or religious buildings - the ambient energy fields, their harmonization and suppressing EM smog producing a healthy environment. This can be explained Interference effects of spatial standing wave and energy fields scalar nature, operation of complex material structures special geometry based on the implementation of the cosmic constants such as the golden section, the number pi, the base of natural logarithms and the like, whereby these objects acquire properties of some kind of "multi-dimensional resonator" , and therefore environmental bio-energy regulators.
Also, measuring the impact of Tesla scalar fields on ambient energy fields, as well as measurements of the PIP and GDV technology to change the existing bio-field action of a specific energy field constituted special Tesla coils showed the effects of energy harmonization of spaces and impact on bio-structures are very close to those have been observed in certain natural sites and specific, usually religious, buildings. The observed effect of bio-energy harmonization of spaces is very important for the maintenance of human health and an important incentive for further research and study the effects generator of Tesla scalar field on humans, plants and animals.

03 новембар 2016

Povećan rizik za decu od zračenja radio-talasa u odnosu na odrasle

Lojd Morgan,. Viši naučni saradnik, Environmental Health Trust; Kalifornija; Berkli


Dečija mozak sadrži više vode i njihove galve(lobanje) su manje. Rezultat je veća apsorpcija energije( zračenja) koje emituju bežični uređaji (WTDs) tj, apsorpcija mikrotalasnih zračenja u odnosu n odrasle. Rak mozga je prijavljen kod dece i tinejdžera. Nadalje mozak dece se još uvek razvija, tako da postoji potencijal da može doći do problema i u toku razvoja. Mlađe dete je izložneo većem riziku jer što dete mlađe, veća je stopa deobe ćelija. Mielinizacija moždanih neurona nije završena sve do ranih dvadesetih godina starosne dobi. Degeneracija mijelina od mikrotalasnog zračenja je utvrđena. Igračke se prodaju za odojčad i malu decu. Prijavljeni su i mentalni problemi kod dece u razvoju.


Llojd Morgan, Senior Research Fellow, Environmental Health TrustAbstract, California; Berkeley


Children‘s brains contain more water and their head are smaller. The result is greater absorption of wireless transmitting devices (WTDs) microwave radiation compared to adults. Brain cancer has been reported in children and teenagers. Further children‘s brains are still developing so the potential exists that developmental problems may occur. The younger the child the greater the risk because the younger the child the greater the rate of cell division. Myelination of brain neurons is not completed until the early twenties. Myelin degeneration from microwave radiation has been reported. Toys are being sold for infants and toddlers. Mental developmental problems have been reported.


Problematika onesnaževanja z elektromagnetnim sevanjem v sloveniji

Karel Lipič, univ.dipl.ing. www.zveza-zeg.si

Ugotovitve:Sodelovanje javnosti v procesih umeščanja projektov v prostor je izjemno pomembno ( TEŠ 6, MBO, HE, DV...).Nasprotovanje projektu je pogosto posledica neprimernega vključevanja javnosti v pripravo projekta.Aarhuška konvencija v praksi
• Reševanje številnih NIMBY in NIMET problemov
• Ekološka patrulja ZEG in brezplačni EKO telefon 080 18 45
Slovensko visokoenergetsko tranzitno električno prenosno omrežje Problematična merila DPN pri umeščanju VD v prostor. V Sloveniji merila za umeščanje VD v prostor temeljijo na:
  • prednosti nadgrajevanja več kot 40 let starih tras,
  • izbira najkrajših poti,
  • izbira ekonomsko najcenejših variant.
Rezultat: Izbira obstoječih bolj poseljenih tras namesto iskanja optimalnih variant, neupoštevanje mnenj prizadetih posameznikov in lokalnih skupnosti in strokovne javnosti provzročilo je nastajanje Civilnih iniciativ na vseh trasah nadgradnje.
Številne raziskave po svetu govorijo o škodljivi vplivi EMS na zdravje. Mednarodna skupina pod vodstvom prof. Ahlbom; Švedska; objavljeno objavljeno v British Journal of Cancer, 2010 Reziskovanja tudi so zdelali in Univerza v Tasmaniji, Avstralia in Univerza v Plymouth-u, Velika Britanija, objavljeno Internal Medicine Journal Kabuto M, Nitta H, Yamamoto S; Childhood leukemia and magnetic fields in Japan; International Journal of Cancer 2006; Institute of Social and Preventive Medicine, University of Bern, Univerza za medicino južne Kalifornije, oddelek preventivne medicine, 1996, Inštitut okoljevarstvene medicine, Stockholm, Švedska, 1998
Naprej so tudi rezisakve že kratkotrajna izpostavljenost EMS je dovolj, da zaustavi delovanje melatonina (melatonin preprečuje širjenje celic raka, elektromagnetno sevanje pa je njegovo delovanje nevtralizira in celice raka se množijo naprej) Denis L Henshaw H. H. Wills Physics Laboratory, University of Bristol, Russel J Reiter, Department of Cellular and Structural Biology, University of Texas Medical Center…ali v Sloveniji, strokovno mnenje o zidavi dodatnega šolskega objekta k osnovni šoli Dobrova SIQ; avtor Peter Gajšek, dipl. ing. odsvetuje širitev šole proti obstoječemu daljnovodu zaradi možnega povečanja zdravstvenih tveganj še posebno pri otrocih. Na osnovi tega mnenja se šolski objekt ni širil v smeri proti daljnovodom. Z nadgradnjo oziroma širitvijo obstoječega daljnovoda pa bi dejansko približali objekt osnovne šole in vrtca škodljivim vplivom EMS.
Zdaj tudi mamo in problematiko izbire trase Beričevo – Divača, Na osnovi kriterijev ocenjevanja predvidenih vplivov: kakovost zunanjega zraka, varstvo površinskih voda, varstvo podzemnih voda, varstvo pred hrupom, varstvo pred elektromagnetnim sevanjem, nastajanje in ravnanje z odpadki, podnebne spremembe, geološke lastnosti in kakovost tal, kmetijske površine, gozdne površine, varovana območja narave, rastlinske in živalske vrste ter habitatni tipi in kulturna dediščina.
Stališče ELES-a: Strinjamo se, da narava ne sme biti bolj pomembna od življenj in zdravja ljudi. Vendar je v konkretnem primeru možen scenarij, da bo v Okoljskem poročilu vpliv na naravo ocenjen kot bistven (ocena D). V tem primeru se upošteva 3. odstavek 24. člena ZUPUDPP, ki določa, da se v Študiji variant obravnavajo samo z okoljskim poročilom pozitivno ocenjene variante (ocene A, B, C). V tem primeru izdelovalec študije variant nima manevrskega prostora, da bi dal večjo težo varstvu človekovega okolja v primerjavi z varstvom narave, pač pa je obsojen na izbor preostale. pozitivno ocenjene variante.
Stališče ELES-a in preferiranje izbire variante: severna trasa »Severna varianta« se približa večjemu številu stanovanjskih objektov kot južna, ima pa prednost v manjši odvisnosti od vremenskih in drugih naravnih nesreč in v dvostranskem napajanju RTP v Klečah po 400 kV vodih.
Slabosti »južne variante«, ki sicer poteka po manj poseljenem območju sta v tem, da poteka po več zavarovanih območjih in zagotavlja manjšo zanesljivost napajanja RTP Kleče.
Stanovanjski objekti v 40 in 100 meterskem pasu na severni in južni trasi v razmerju 7:1
Razmerje hiš v 100m pasu : Severna proti južni trasi: 434:76
Razmerje hiš v 40m pasu : Severna proti južni trasi: 102:12
Razmerje hiš v 40m pasu: (primer Gameljne) varianta 1 proti varianti 2 18:0
(po sedanji zakonodaji je 40m pas varovano območje infrastrukture, kjer ne bi smelo biti stanovanjskih objektov) Pri umeščanju daljnovoda v prostor pomembni tudi številni drugi vidiki, ki pa nikakor ne smejo prevladati nad kriterijem zdravja ljudi. Problematika umeščanja tranzitnih daljnovodov v Sloveniji je stalna ignoranca in aroganca državnih inštitucij (pristojna ministrstva, ELES), Nemožnost sodelovanja lokalnih skupnosti, CI in prizadetih posameznikov v postopkih sprejemanja DPN in odločitev o izbiri tras. Zavajajoča okoljska poročila, pavšalna merila vrednotenja vplivov in manipuliranje z manj pomembnimi kriteriji.
  • Neobveščanje javnosti predvsem na najbolj kritičnih točkah.
  • Naročanje neverodostojnih anket in manipulacija z rezultati.
  • Izločanje CI iz strokovnih seminarjev in posvetov, blokada medijev.
  • Prisilne služnosti in zmanjševanje vrednosti nepremičnin.
Kaj smo uspeli spremeniti: Povezava civilnih iniciativ v Združenje CI Slovenije (konferenca ZEG-a Šmarješke toplice), povezava Svetov četrtnih skupnosti kjer potekajo planirane gradnje, Podpisovanje peticij proti gradnji BAT in daljnovodov skozi naseljena področja, Vzpostavitev spletnih strani, analize znanstvenih študij vplivov elektromagnetnih sevanj, zbiranje podatkov o obolelosti ljudi, ki živijo blizu visokonapetostnih daljnovodov, zbiranje podatkov o EU predpisih, direktivah, odločbah, dobrih praksah, veliko številko dopisi: MOL, ELES, ARSO, varuhinja človekovih pravic, EU komisar za energetiko itd. sodelovanje z mediji (Kanal A, POP TV, Dnevnik, Delo, revija Jana, itd., Sestanek na ELESu in MzIP, sklep o ustanovitvi delovne skupine, Sestanek projektne skupine na MOL-u, Izdaja priročnika ― Električni smog‖, zahteva za spremembo in sprejem nove zakonodaja o neionizirnih sevanjih/zadnja 1996/

Karel Lipiĉ univ.dipl.ing. http://www.zveza-zeg.si/

Findings: Public participation in the process of placing the project in the area is extremely important (TEŠ 6, MBO, HE, DV ...). Opposition to the project is often the result of inappropriate involvement of the public in preparation projekta.Aarhuška Convention in practice
• Resolving the many NIMBY problems and NIMET
• Eco Patrol ZEG and free EKO phone 080 18 45
Slovenian high energy transit electricity transmission network Problem DPN criteria for siting VD in space. In Slovenia, the criteria for placement in the space VD based on:
  • advantages of upgradingmore then 40 years of old routes,
  • selection of the shortes route,
  • choice economically cheapest variant.
Result: Selection of existing routes rather than the more populated search of optimal variants, ignoring the opinions of affected individuals and local communities and the professional public void formation of civil initiatives on all their routes upgrades.
Numerous studies around the world talk about the harmful effects of EMR on health. The international team led by prof. Ahlbom; Sweden; published published in the British Journal of Cancer 2010 Reziskovanja well they worked and the University of Tasmania, Avstralia and University of Plymouth-in, of Great Britain, published in Internal Medicine Journal Kabuto M, Nitta H, Yamamoto S; Childhood leukemia and magnetic fields, and Japan; International Journal of Cancer 2006; Institute of Social and Preventive Medicine, University of Bern, University of Medicine of Southern California, department of preventive medicine, 1996, Institute of Environmental Medicine, Stockholm, Sweden, 1998
Next are rezisakve have short-term exposure EMS is enough to halt the operation of melatonin (melatonin prevents the spread of cancer cells, electromagnetic radiation but its action is neutralized and cancer cells multiply on) Denis L Henshaw HH Wills Physics Laboratory, University of Bristol, Russell J Reiter, Department of Cellular and Structural Biology, University of Texas Medical Center ... or Slovenia, expert opinion The construction of additional school buildings for elementary school Dobrova SIQ; author Peter Gajšek, BSc. ing. discouraged the expansion of the school to the existing transmission line due to the potential increase in health risks especially for children. On the basis of this opinion, the school building has not spread in the direction of the power line. The upgrade and expansion of the existing transmission line would actually closer to building a primary school and kindergarten harmful effects of EMS.
Now the mother and the issue of the choice of route Beriĉevo - Divaĉa Based on the assessment criteria provided for Impact: ambient air quality, surface water, groundwater protection, noise protection, protection against electromagnetic radiation, generation and waste management, climate change, geological features and soil quality, agricultural land, forest land, protected natural areas, plant and animal species and habitat types and cultural heritage.
The position of ELES: We agree that nature must not be more important than the lives and health of people. However, in this particular case a possible scenario that the Environmental Report estimated impact on nature as an essential (grade D). In this case, take into account the third paragraph of Article 24 ZUPUDPP, which stipulates that the variant study will only deal with the environmental report positively assessed variants (grades A, B, C). In this case, the manufacturer Studies variant has any leeway to give greater weight to the protection of the human environment in comparison with the protection of nature, but was convicted on the remaining selection. positively assessed variants.
The position of ELES or preference selection variants: the Northern route "North variant" is closer to a larger number of residential buildings and the south, but has the advantage of reducing the dependence on weather and other natural disasters and bilateral power substation in Kleĉe 400 kV lines.Disadvantages of "southern variant", which usually takes place in less populated areas are in that place for more protected areas and provides less security of supply RTP Kleĉe.Residential buildings in the 40 and 100 meter zone on the north and south route in the ratio of 7: 1
The ratio of houses in the 100m zone: North to south route: 434: 76
The ratio of houses in the 40m band: North to south route: 102: 12
The ratio of houses in the 40m band: (example Gameljne) variant 1 to variant 2 18 0 (under the current legislation the 40m zone protected area of infrastructure where there should be no housing) In the siting of power lines in the area a number of other important aspects, which can not take precedence over the criteria of human health. The problem of placement of transit lines to Slovenia's continued ignorance and arrogance state institutions (responsible ministries, EELS) The impossibility of the participation of local communities, CI and individuals involved in the adoption procedure for DPN and the decision on the choice of routes. Misleading environmental reports, lump-sum evaluation criteria of impact and handling minor criteria.

• The lack of publicity especially in the most critical points.
• Order incredulous polls and the manipulation of results.
• Elimination CI of seminars and conferences, encoded media.
• Forced easements and reduce property values.

What we have managed to change: Connection of civil initiatives in the Association CI Slovenia (Conference ZEG-a Šmarješke Spa) connection Councils urban communities where the place of the planned construction, signing petitions against the construction of BAT and transmission lines through populated areas, the creation of websites, analysis of scientific studies of the effects of electromagnetic radiation, collecting data on the illness of people living near high-voltage lines, the collection of data on EU regulations, directives, decisions, good practices, a lot of code letters: MOL, EELS, EARS Ombudsman, EU Commissioner for Energy, etc. cooperation with the media (Kanal A, POP TV, Dnevnik, Delo magazine Jana, etc., Meeting Eles and MzIP, the decision on setting up a working group meeting of the Task Force on MOL, subject to the manual "Electrical smog 'request for a change and the adoption of new legislation on Non- Ionizing Radiation / recent 1996 /