15 новембар 2016

Proizvodi PXD Sistema zasnovani na nano-tehnologijI kristala metala u službi zaštite od elektrosmoga

Dipl. ing. geologije Rackov Aleksandar; PXD SISTEM DOO BEOGRAD

Čovečanstvo se u XXI veku suočava i postaje sve više svesno najveće nevidljive epidemije – elektrosmoga. Svakodnevno se povećava broj obolelih koji su konstantno izloženi štetnom uticaju elektrosmoga. Simptomi elektrosmoga su : nervoza, problemi sa koncentracijom, glavobolje, nesanice, gubljenje vitalnosti, smanjena telesna aktivnost. Epidemiološke studije i eksperimentalna istraživanja su dovela do zaključka da elektrosmog ima loš uticaj na zdravlje i kada je u dozvo-ljenim granicama jer ima kumulativni efekat kroz vreme izloženosti.
PXD SISTEM DOO već 12 godina proizvodi i plasira proizvode širom sveta zasnovane na nanotehnologiji kristala metala koji svojim efikasnim delovanjem neutrališu sve izvore elektrosmoga : geopatogeno zračenje – podzemne vode , rasedne površine ; zračenje iz kosmosa – hartmanova i kerijeva globalna mreža ; sve vrste elektromagnetnog zračenja – u domaćinstvu i van njega – dalekovodi , transformatori , bazne stanice mobilne telefonije.
Proizvodi PXD SISTEM-a su ispitani i sertifikovani od strane vodećih institiuta u EU – IGEF i BION . Ispitivanja su potvrdila efikasnost u zaštititi od elektrosmoga kao i pozitivan uticaj na korisnike proizvoda jer je delovanje trenutno i merljivo najsavremenijim uređajima.
Proizvode možemo podeliti u više grupa :
1. Prostorni zaštitnik – PXD BIOPIRAMIDA ,
2. LIČNE ZAŠTITNIKE – 5 različitih zaštitnika
3. Zaštita od elektrosmoga mobilnog telefona- PXD MOBIČIP.
Tehnologija se zasniva na nanokristalima metala u kojima se formira metalna veza a ona dovodi do pojave kvantnog skoka energije i formiranja plus polarizovanog polja koje sprečava loš uticaj elektrosmoga i izuzetno blagotvorno deluje na korisnike proizvoda.
Zaštitite efikasno sebe i vaše najmilije jer kada niste zaštićeni nijedan vid lečenja neće biti uspešan jer kako narodna uzrečica kaže – ne vraćajte se na mesto gde ste spavali ako je ono uzrok bolesti – samo ukoliko u međuvremenu to mesto niste efikasno zaštitili proizvodima PXD SISTEM-a.

Dipl. ing. geology Rackov Aleksaandar; PXD SYSTEM DOO BELGRADE

Mankind in XXI century faces and becoming more conscious biggest invisible epidemic - electrosmog. Every day increases the number of patients who are constantly exposed to the harmful effects of electrosmog. Symptoms of electrosmog are: nervousness, difficulty with concentration, headaches, insomnia, loss of vitality, decreased physical activity. Epidemiological studies and experimental studies have led to the conclusion that electrosmog has a bad effect on health when it dozvo tic-limits because it has a cumulative effect over time of exposure.
PXD SYSTEM LTD for 12 years produces and sells products worldwide based on nanotechnology crystals of metal that its effective action neutralize all sources of electrosmog: geopathogenic radiation - groundwater, surface fissure; radiation from space - Hartmann and Carrey's global network; all types of electromagnetic radiation - in the household and outside of it - power lines, transformers, base stations for mobile telephony.
Products PXD SYSTEM-and have been tested and certified by leading institiuta EU - IGEF and Bion. Tests have confirmed the effectiveness of the protection from electrosmog and positive impact on users of the product because it is functioning now and measurable by modern equipment.
The products can be divided into several groups: 1. Physical protector - PXD BIOPYRAMID 2. Personal Protector - 5 different patron 3. Protection against electrosmog mobile phone's PXD MOBIČIP.
The technology is based on nanocrystals of metal that forms the metal bond and it leads to the emergence of quantum leap of energy and formation plus polarized field which prevents the bad influence of electrosmog and extremely beneficial effect on users of the product.
Effectively protect yourself and your loved ones, because when you are not protected by any kind of treatment will not be successful because as folk saying goes - do not come back to the place where you are sleeping if it is the cause of the disease - only if in the meantime this site are not effectively protect products PXD System's .

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