15 новембар 2016

Termin "zračenje" kao uobičajeni izvor zabluda u vezi elektrosenzitivnosti

Draško Cvijanović, elektrohipersenzitivna osoba (svedočenje)

Reč zračenje u svakodnevnom govoru odnosi se uglavnom na nešto kao radioaktivnost ili recimo zračenje od sunca, gde se prenosom viška energije stvaraju jasna oštećenja. Kad pričamo o (navodnoj?) preosetljivosti na jako niske vrednosti elektromagnetnog polja, takvo neposredno oštećenje se najverovatnije uopšte ne dešava.
Istorijski, postoji razložan otpor da se odbaci ovaj model zračenja u vezi elektroosetljivosti jer trentuno nema drugog primenljivog modela, ali je metodološki neophodno da razlikujemo opis od verifikacije ili objašnjenja fenomena.
Jako niski nivoi polja ("zračenja") dokazano je jasno da su od nekakvog biološkog značaja (magnetroecepcija), iako je biološka svrha većinom nepoznata. Ipak, i dalje pod uticajem modela "zračenja" opstaje rezonovanje "ako nije agresivno, onda je sve u tvojoj glavi", koje je manje više dominantan stav danas, čak i kod dobronamernih istraživača koji nisu elektrosenzitivni.

Drasko Cvijanovic, electrically hypersensitive persons

"Radiation" in general speech refers mostly to something like ionizing or, say, UV impacts, where excessive energy transmission results in some observable damage. When talking about (alleged?) hypersensitivity to extremely low EMF levels such "automated" damage is probably not occurring at all.
There is a reasonable (historically induced) reluctance to abandon plausibility of radiation model to EHS due to lack of any other plausible model of influence, but it is methodologically necessary to separate the call for describing and endorsing the EHS phenomenon from the call to explain it.
Such extremely low impact stimuli have been well proven as biologically relevant (magnetoreception), although most of it's purpose remains unknown. Still, under (even implicit) influence of radiation model, persists the reasoning that "if it's not aggressive, than it is all in your head", which is more or less predominant standpoint now, even among well-minded researchers (who are not sensitive themselves).
Currently, to avoid such inputs there are claims from side of sufferers to redefine EHS definition as "discomfort related to environment which is influenced by operation of certain electric devices". It is rather brave but necessary step to avoid being ridiculed by calls to guess the radiation presence through so called provocation studies. That doesn't mean abandoning provocation studies, just necessity to redesign them without prejudices about the mechanism.

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