15 новембар 2016

Ecologic architecture

Drago Vrhovnik;Institute for sustainable solutions; Kamnik, Slovenia, trajnostneresitve@gmail.com

Sleeping above underground water, geopathic zones, Earth's magnetical grid and in room withelectromagnetical radiation has bad influence on our health.Rudolf Breuss wrote a book titled The Breuss Cancer Cure: Advice for the Prevention and Natural Treatment of Cancer, Leukemia and Other Seemingly Incurable Diseases which iscorelated with irradiation.
Our health is result of environment were we live and level of stress that we have. We are surrounded with various radiation‘s called Geopathic stress.

Geopathic Zones When natural radiation rises through the Earth, its wavelength is distorted by weak electromagnetic fields emanating from subterranean running water, mineral concentrations, fault lines and underground cavities. Geopathic Zones can also be man-made. These zones are caused by electromagnetic fields emanating from structures such as high-tension power wires, satellite towers, and electrical street poles or fuse boxes.

Personal Zones and Interference lines
Personal zones produce an energy, that grates on the energy of a given person or animal, producing a chronic subtly annoying and irritating effect. Quick and positive changes occur when these are neutralized. It is strongly recommended that home-based businesses and office buildings be checked for such interference.

The Hartmann Grid
Hartmann lines were discovered in 1950 by a German medical doctor, Ernst Hartmann. These lines run in a North-South orientation at +/-2m intervals, and in an East-West orientation at +/- 2.5m intervals, forming a grid around the Earth. The junction of two Hartmann Lines is known as a grid knot. Harmful radiation is intensified at these junctions, and they are considered to be the worst place for an individual to sleep or work.
The Benker Grid
The Benker Cubical System is named after Austrian researcher Anton Benker. The grid is formed by energy lines spaced +/-10meters apart and aligned magnetically in a North-South and
East-West orientation. The electromagnetic walls of these ―blocks‖ are about 1 meter in diameter and the radiation emitted by them is harmful to the immune system, particularly when exposed to points of intersection over extended periods of time.

The Curry Net
The Curry net is named after Dr Manford Curry who discovered the lines, which form the net covering the Earth. These lines were originally a necessary, healthy part of the morphology of the planet. However, over the last 30 years they have become negatively charged due to manmade transmitters and power lines. They run 3-5 meters apart in a Northeast-Southwest and Northwest-Southeast orientation across the globe, getting closer together as they approach the equator. ECurry Lines are most powerful when the sun is at the opposite end of the Earth. It is considered to be an extremely bad idea to sleep over them, because the body behaves as a battery and discharges energy to these lines. As a result the individual wakes after a full night‘s sleep feeling drained and exhausted.

Ley lines
Ley lines originate below the Earth‘s surface, occurring between predominantly big, hollow natural landforms e.g. caves, volcanoes, lakes etc. Many spiritual centers are built on these lines in order to accentuate their power. Ley lines can however become toxic after deviating along power lines, roads, quarries and other manmade structures, and can become negatively charged when overlaid by streams, Hartmann knots, electrical towers, etc.

Electromagnetic Radiation
Negative radiation can be emitted by electrical devices within a building (e.g. television sets, computers, broadband internet, electrical blankets, cell phones, etc), or from external sources (e.g. high tension wires, sub-stations, satellite dishes, cell phone towers, x-rays, landlines, base stations, etc.)

Cell Phones
A cell phone is the only radiation-emitting consumer product that people intentionally hold against their heads. The electromagnetic radiation emitted is similar to microwave radiation used to cook food in a microwave. Current research has shown that 70% of the radiation emitted by cell phones is absorbed by the head, creating ―hot spots‖ in the brain. ERadiation from cell phones has also been linked to damage to the immune system, brain tumors, fatigue, headaches, rise in blood pressure, short-term memory loss and reduced learning capacity. Anybody with a genetic predisposition to cancer should not use a cell phone at all, as such a high level or radiation can set the process in motion.

Microwave Radiation (MW)
Microwave radiation is electromagnetic radiation (EM) which falls in the frequency range between 300MHz and 300GHz. Natural low-frequency EM fields come from two sources, namely, the sun and thunderstorm activity. However, at sufficiently high power densities, RF/MF energy can cause blindness and sterility and can alter the human body‘s circadian rhythms, immune system, and the chemical signals communicated through cellular membranes. Radar systems detect the presence, direction or range of moving objects. It is achieved by sending pulses of high frequency electromagnetic fields (EMF). Radars usually operate at radio frequencies (RF) between 300 MHz and 15 GHz. RF fields within this part of the electromagnetic spectrum are known to interact badly with the human body.
Measurement were made with GDV Sputnik sensor- Solar power plant Results show that solar plant decrease area and intensity in environment. Because of low energy, people who spent time in a house with solar plant didn‘t feel fine, and has deficiency of energy and physical body. That‘s why i can say that solar plant has bad influence on human and environment as well.
- Base stations Research shows very low or very high energy area in environment and level of kaos is high.
- Land lines Different land lines has different impact on environment, depend of power. Close to land lines we found out high level of kaos.
The principles of gas discharge digital images registration with subsequent computer processing and analysis have been developed by Dr. Konstantin Korotkov in mid-90th. Basing on this principle and construction different modifications of Electrophotonic / Gas Discharge Visualization (EPC/GDV) devices have been developed. These devices are being used for examining human psycho-emotional and physiological state, and for research of different natural environmental objects. Using the EPC/GDV hardware-software complex one can register dynamics of changes of investigated objects, but cannot evaluate the absolute valuesof object‘s intrinsic properties, such as, for example, electrical capacitance or other physical characteristics.
Different factors can influence the obtained results during measurements of natural environmental objects and most of them are of no interest to the researcher. In fact they just increase the inaccuracy of measurements. Till the present moment there were no scientifically proven rules of conducting such measurements. This drawback has led to problems wittreatment, statistical processing and interpretation of obtained results. The aim of this work is to discover destabilizing factors that influence the obtained results, to find ways of overcoming these factors, and the development of a standard procedure for conducting such experiments and processing of obtained data.

Measuring energetic properties of materials and geo-active zones
The high sensitivity of the EPC/GDV Technology facilitates measuring even minor changes in energetic properties of different materials, of spaces and of buildings. This technology can be applied in areas where traditional measurement techniques are unable to show any significant differences due to their limited measurement rang. Today, traditional knowledge of ecological building materials, geometrically balanced architecture or natural construction craftsmanship is seldom taught in education centers for architecture and construction business. As a result, a growing number of people is subject ton subtle stress caused by geo-active zones without having any detailed knowledge of such phenomena. Certain symptoms, repeated health challenges and therapy resistance may be some of the consequences of living in areas of geo-active zones (underground water passages, fault lines, radio towers and high voltage power lines etc.). Using the EPC/GDV Technology the possible influence form such phenomena can be studied and their influence on the Human Energy Field can be evaluated.
At the same time it is possible to study the effect of methods and technologies that aim at harmonizing or balancing geo-active zones. Since we study the effect of both the geo-active zone and the harmonizing tools on the Human Energy Field we are able to assess the efficiency of the proposed measures for balancing geo-active zones.

Free FIBER For Swiss Schools – WiFi Warnings
October 21, 2010. While the rest of the world rushes onwards with the wireless revolution, Switzerland – the country that invented the World Wide Web – and the largest telecom provider – SWISSCOM which is owned (52%) by the Swiss government - have decided to light up the public school‘s wired networks using fiber optics FOR FREE!(http://www.magdahavas.com/ free-internet-access-in-swiss-schools-no-wifi/)

July 28, 2010. Researchers prove damage occurs in the mobility and DNA fragmentation of sperm if near the WiFi transmitter.
Assumptions are well known that the electromagnetic waves radiated by cell phones, microwave ovens, computers and electrical appliances may cause adverse health effects. In fact, the World Health Organization (WHO) has formed a special division for researchers studying the effect of electromagnetic radiation.

Posted February 2010. In December 2009 an array of cell phone antennas was placed on an apartment building at 2 Regal Rd. in downtown Toronto, much to the surprise of the residents who first became aware of this construction as the cranes moved in. Within two months, those who lived on the top floor of this apartment building began to feel ill. Nausea, dizziness, buzzing in the ears, headaches, head pressure, difficulty sleeping, brain fog, skin rash, burning sensation in the skin, and a metallic taste in the mouth were just some of the symptoms. One woman and her daughter became so sick, they could no longer stay in their apartment and moved in with friends. The antennas were close enough to be touched by a broom from the top floor balcony. (http://www.magdahavas.com/are-cell-phone-antennas-on-apartmentbuildings-safe/)

December 2009. The January issue of ―Prevention Magazine‖ steps up to the plate to highlight ―Dirty Electricity‖ and the health effects that are related to electromagnetic radiation. This article features the work of Sam Milham and Lloyd Morgan at La Quinta CA, where a cancer cluster among teachers was associated with the amount of dirty electricity in their classroom. Cancer clusters are showing up elsewhere but no one is measuring dirty electricity and perhaps they should be.
In the featured article, Magda Havas’s research is discussed and finds proof that exposure to transients may elevate blood sugar levels among people with diabetes and prediabetes an that people with multiple sclerosis improve their balance and have fewer tremors after just a few days in a transient- free environment. Her work also shows that after schools installed filters to clean up transients, two-thirds of teachers reported improvement in symptoms that had been plaguing them, including headache, dry eye, facial flushing, asthma, skin irritation, and depression. The article is catching the attention of many politicians and news media outlets. The magazine‘s deputy editor was recently interviewed on the FOX News channel about this highly controversialissue. (http://www.magdahavas.com/prevention-magazine-explains-dirty-electricity/)

For more information:
All articles are from http://www.magdahavas.com/ ;
Amiriak, B, HWM Chim, EH Chen, and DW Stepnick. updated Jun 24 2009.
Parotid Tumors. Calabrese, DM and RJ Frey. 2009.
Salivary Gland Tumors. Hardell, L. M. Carlberg, and K. Hansson Mild. 2009.
Epidemiological evidence for an association between use of wireless phones and tumor diseases. Pathophysiology 16(2):113-122. Lonn,S., A Ahlbom, HC Christensen, et al. 2006.
Mobile phone use and risk of parotid gland tumor. Amer. J. Epid. 164(7):637 National Cancer Institute. Salivary Gland Cancer Treatment. Sadetzki, S, A Chetrit, A Jarus-Hakak, E Cardis, Y Deutch, S Duvdevani, A Zultan, I Novikov, L Freedman, and M. Wolf. 2008.

Cellular phone use and risk of benign and malignant parotid gland tumors—A nationwide case-control study. Amer. J. Epid. 167 (4): 457-467.Zarbo, R. 2001.
Salivary Gland Neoplasia: A review of the practicing pathologist. Mod Pathol 202: 15(3): 298-323.2009).

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