15 новембар 2016

Memorandum o saradnji


1. Zveze ekoloških gibanj ( u daljem tekstu ZEG) iz Ljubljane, Republika Slovenija,
2. Hrvatska udruga za zaštitu od elektromagnetnog zračenja (u daljem tekstu HUZEZ) iz Zagreba, Republika Hrvatska i
3. Udruženja BIOGEN ( u daljem tekstu BIOGEN), Beograd, Republika Srbija

Uvažavajući ulogu organizacija civilnog društva (u daljem tekstu OCD) u izgradnji demokratskog društva, kao i njihov doprinos širenju ideje ljudskih prava, vladavine prava u svim porama života u zemljama Jugoistočne Evrope, a naročito u oblasti zaštitite zdravlja i životne sredine građana od sve većeg prisustva izvora nejonizujućih zračenja (u daljem tekstu NJZ) prepoznajemo neophodnost usaglašavanja i uvažavanja preporučenih mera predostrožnosti.
Prepoznajući da usvojeni standardi, u zemljama regiona i šire, ne uvažavaju najnovije rezultate-zaključke istraživanja u biološkim naukama, kao i u oblasti javno-zdravstvenih implikacija globalne izloženosti elektromagnetskim poljima (u daljem tekstu EMZ) tj. NJZ iz izovora telekomunikacionih tehnologija te tehnologija upotrebe i prenosa električne energije, a radi uspostavaljanja mehanizma konstruktivne saradnje u cilju poboljšanja informisanja i edukacije javnosti.
Prepoznajući interes za uspostavljanjem tešnjih vidova saradnje između OCD, u cilju osnaživanja kapaciteta radi poboljšanja stanja u regionu, neophodnost stalnog i objektivnog izveštavanja, edukovanja i komunikacije sa javnošću u pogledu neophodne primene mera predostrožnosti ustanovljenih na najnovijim naučno argumentovanim zaključcima o biološime efektima, najnovije zaključke stručne medicinske nauke uticaja na ljudski organizam, prepoznajemo da su prava na zdravlje i zdravu životnu sredinu, neotuđiva ljudska prava.
Neprincipijelan stav pojedinih naučnih institucija, privrednih subjekata i pravnih lica korisnika izvora NJZ u zemljama regiona, uslovljen određenim interesima koji se kose sa najnovijim zaključcima i preporukama Svetskih autoriteta u ovoj oblasti, iziskuje jednu kontinuiranu aktivnost na iznalaženju najadekvatnijih, obostrano prihvatljivih vidova saradnje svih subjekata i OCD u regionu, izgradnji održivih modela uključenosti javnosti demokratski izgrađenih zajednica u svim fazama odlučivanja i donošenja Zakonskih propisa, primenu i realizaciju istih, te njihovu progresivnu promenu koja će našim građanima i potomcima garantovati veći stepen sigurnosti i zaštite od svih posledica koje im mogu narušiti zdravlje i ugroziti životnu sredinu,
Strane su se dogovorile o sledećem:
Ĉlan 1.
Formira se Regionalna alijansa, savez udruženja, mreža koja svojim vizijama, misijom programskim ciljevima, programom i interesno delatnost obavljaju u oblasti zaštite zdravlja i zaštite životne sredine od svih vrsta NJZ.
Ĉlan 2.
Naziv saveza udruženja , alijanse, mreže OCD je:
Alijansa Jugoistočne Evrope za zaštitu od nejonizujućih zračenja SEENIRPA, na engleskom : SouthEast Europ nonionizing radiation protection Alliance.
Ĉlan 3.
SEENIRPA je nezavisna nevladina otvorena mreža organizacija koje se bave proučavanjem uticaja NJZ, otvorena je za saradnju sa drugim udruženjima i pojedincima koji deluju u oblasti zaštite od NJZ, zdravlja i životne sredine.
Ĉlan 4.
Da će obezbediti međusobnu redovno prikupljanje i obradu informacija, razmenu informacija o aktivnostima koje se odnose na efekte NJZ na zdravlje čoveka i životnu sredinu, pripremu, usvajanje i implementaciju zakona i strategija u oblasti zaštite zdravlja od NJZ na zdravlje i zaštiti životne sredine, kao i sprovođenju međunarodnih standarda, preporuka, obaveza i drugih preporuka WHO, BIOINITIATIVE, ICNIRP te direktivama Saveta Evrope, Evropskog parlamenta i Evropske komisije, a u vezi.
SEENIRPA će ustanoviti praksu redovnih sastanaka i konsultacija sa OCD (najmanje jednom godišnje) u cilju razmene informacija i sticanja boljeg uvida u aktivnosti, kapacitete i resurse koja imaju udruženja koja čine alijansu, a koji mogu biti stavljeni u funkciju prilikom izrade izveštaja, praćenja postupanja po preporukama.
Ĉlan 5.
Kancelarija- središte SEENIRPA će biti u Beogradu, i ista će obaveštavati članice alijanse prilikom organizovanja međunarodnih skupova, redovnim praćenjem aktivnosti drugih stručnih naučnih foruma, konferncija, kongresa, radionica, savetovanja u zemljama u regionu i svetu.
Ĉlanovi će centralu SEENIRPA redovno obaveštavati o svojim aktivnostima i skupovima koji se organizuju u cilju rasprava o nacrtima zakona i drugih propisa iz oblasti zaštite od NJZ zsdravlja i životne sredine u zemljama u regionu kako bi mogli uzeti učešće u ovim aktivnostima.
U okviru svoje delatnosti SEENIRPA će obaveštavati svoje članove o pokrenutim aktivnostima, pomagati u relaizaciji istih i promovisati saradnju na svakom nivou, od organa uprave i lokalne samouprave, preko resornih ministarstava i drugih lokalnih i međunarodnih autoriteta, kako bi izgradila svoj stav i isti razvijala u duhu preporučene predostrožnosti
Ĉlan 6.
SEENIRPA će omogućiti članicama da učestvuju u procesu izrade planova, aktivnosti i izveštaja o sprovođenju međunarodnih obaveza u oblasti zaštite od NJZ zdravlja i životne sredine.
SEENIRPA će uspostaviti praksu periodičnih sastanaka sa članicama ili njihovim predstavnicima u cilju praćenja primena preporuka WHO i drugih svetskih i Evropskih naučno istraživačkih institucija.
SEENIRPA će takođe uspostaviti praksu periodičnih sastanaka sa članicama koja se bave primenom preporuka i Arhuske konvencije o dostupnosti informacija od javnog značaja , a u vezi su zaštite građana od NJZ i životne sredine sa ciljem :
(a) definisanja načina organizovanja, praćenja i ocenjivanja uspešnosti primene Strategije Arhuske konvencije, direktiva i preporuka stručnih tela iz sveta, Evrope i regiona
(b) rešavanja eventualnih problema koji se tokom saradnje budu javljali.
Ĉlan 7.
Potpisnici, osnivači SEENIRPA će u periodu od trideset (30) dana od momenta potpisivanja pripremiti sva neophodna dokumenta i obavestiti odgovorne institucije u svojim zemljama o formiranju alijanse, kao i preduzeti neophodne korake za registrovanje alijanse u njihovim domicilnim zemljama.
U ovom periodu izradiće se sva neophodna dokumenta koja će preciznije definisati mesto i ulogu članica, organizaciju SENIRPA-e što će radu i ojačati vezu sa njima, kako bi se kapaciteti koji postoje u tom sektoru, između ostalog, koristili u cilju osposobljavanja formiranih organa koji bi brinuli o realizaciji programskih ciljeva formirane mreže.
Ĉlanice će, u skladu sa svojim saznanjima, ukazivati na kršenja ljudskih prava u oblasti zaštite građana od NJZ i životne sredine, do kojih dolazi bilo zbog nedostataka u okviru pravnog sistema ili usled prakse koja je diskriminatorna ili neodgovarajuća.
Ĉlan 8.
SEENIRPA poštuje nezavisnost delovanja organizacija civilnog društva ukoliko ono nije zabranjeno Ustavom ili zakonima u zemljama iz kojih su članice SEENIRPA-e.
Ĉlan 9.
Memorandum o saradnji stupa na snagu danom potpisivanja, a zaključuje se na neodređeno vreme.
Svaka Strana ga može raskinuti jednostrano, slanjem pismenog obaveštenja.
Memorandum se može izmeniti pisanom saglasnošću Strana potpisnica..
Ĉlan 10.
Memorandum je sastavljen u tri (3) istovetna primerka od kojih svaka Strana dobija po jedan.

1. Association of Ecological Movements (hereinafter ZEG) in Ljubljana, Slovenia,
2. The Croatian Association for the Protection of electromagnetic radiation (hereinafter HUZEZ) from Zagreb, Republic of Croatia and
3. Association BIOGEN (hereinafter BIOGEN), Belgrade, Republic of Serbia
Recognizing the role of civil society organizations (hereafter CSOs) in building a democratic society, as well as their contribution to the spreading of the idea of human rights, the rule of law in all spheres of life in the countries of Southeast Europe, particularly in the field of protection of the health and environment of the citizens of the growing presence sources of non-ionizing radiation (hereinafter NJZ) recognize the need for harmonization and respect the recommended precautions.
Recognizing that the adopted standards in the region and beyond, they do not respect the results of the latest-research findings in the biological sciences as well as in the field of public health implications of global exposure to electromagnetic fields (hereinafter EMC), ie. NJZ from izovora telecommunications technology and technology for the transmission of electricity, and works Establishing a mechanism of constructive cooperation in order to improve the information and education of the public.
Recognizing the interest in the establishment of closer forms of cooperation between civil society organizations, in order to strengthen the capacity to improve the situation in the region, the need and objective reporting, educating and communicating with the public in terms of use necessary precautions in place on the latest scientifically based conclusions about biološime effects, the latest conclusions of expert medical science impacts on the human body, we recognize that the right to health and a healthy environment, inalienable human rights.
Ruthless attitude of some scientific institutions, businesses and legal entities users NJZ sources in the region, caused by certain interests that conflict with the latest conclusions and recommendations of world authorities in this field, necessitates a continuous activity on finding the most appropriate and mutually acceptable forms of cooperation between all actors and CSOs in the region, building a sustainable model of public involvement democratically constructed communities in all stages of decision-making and
passing legislation, implementation and realization of the same, and their progressive change that will give our citizens and descendants guarantee a higher level of security and protection of all the consequences that can damage your health and endanger the environment,
The Parties have agreed on the following:
Article 1.
It forms a Regional Alliance, an alliance of associations, networks that its vision, mission program objectives, program and activities carried interest in the field of protection of human health and environmental protection from all types of NJZ.
Article 2nd
Name federation of associations, alliances, networks of CSOs:
Alliance of Southeast Europe for the protection of non-ionizing radiation SEENIRPA, in English: Southeastern Europe nonionizing radiation protection Alliance.
Article 3rd
SEENIRPA is open to independent non-governmental network of organizations involved in studying the impact of NJZ, open to cooperation with other organizations and individuals working in the field of protection of NJZ, health and the environment.
Article 4.
It will provide mutual regular collection and processing of information, exchange of information on activities relating to NJ Z effects on human health and the environment, the preparation, adoption and implementation of laws and strategies in the field of health protection of NJZ health and environmental protection, as well as implementation of international standards, recommendations, commitments and other WHO recommendations, BIOINITIATIVE ICNIRP and directives of the Council of Europe, European Parliament and European Commission, in conjunction.
SEENIRPA will establish the practice of regular meetings and consultations with CSOs (at least annually) in order to exchange information and gaining a better insight into the activities, capacities and resources that have associations that make up the alliance, and which can be put into operation in preparing reports, follow-up treatment by recommendations.
Article 5th
Office in the center of SEENIRPA will be in Belgrade, and it will inform the members of the alliance in organizing international conferences, regular monitoring of the activities of other expert scientific forum, conference, congresses, workshops, conferences in the countries of the region and the world.
Members will exchange SEENIRPA regularly informed of its activities and gatherings organized for the purpose of discussion of draft laws and other regulations in the field of NJZ zsdravlja and the environment in the countries in the region to be able to take part in these activities.
As part of its activities SEENIRPA will inform its members about the ongoing activities, to assist in realization of the same and promote cooperation at every level, from the administration and local government, through line ministries and other local and international authorities, to build its position and developed in the same the spirit of the recommended precautions
Article 6th
SEENIRPA will allow member states to participate in the process of making plans, activities and reports on the implementation of international obligations in the field of protection of NJZ health and the environment.
SEENIRPA will establish a practice of periodic meetings with the members or their representatives in order to monitor the implementation of the recommendations of WHO and other international and European scientific research institutions.
SEENIRPA will also establish the practice of periodic meetings with Member States which deal with implementation of the recommendations and the Aarhus Convention on access to information of public importance, in relation to the protection of citizens from NJZ and the environment with a view to:
(A) to define the ways to organize, monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of the Strategy implementation of the Aarhus Convention, directives and recommendations of expert bodies of the world, Europe and the region
(B) fixing any problems during the cooperation they arise.
Article 7th
The signatories, founders SEENIRPA will be a period of thirty (30) days from the moment of signing prepare all necessary documents and inform the responsible institutions in their countries to form alliance, as well as take the necessary steps for the registration of alliances in their home countries.
During this period will be made all the necessary documents that will define more precisely the place and role of the Member States, the organization SENIRPA-e what will work and strengthen the relationship with them to facilities that exist in this sector, among others, used in order to enable the formed body which to care about the objectives of the program created network.
Members shall, in accordance with its findings, indicate a violation of human rights in the field of protection of citizens from NJZ and the environment, which occur either because of flaws in the legal system, or due to a practice that is discriminatory or inappropriate.
Section 8.
SEENIRPA respects the independence of activities of civil society organizations unless they are prohibited by the Constitution or laws of the countries where members SEENIRPA-e.
With article 9.
The Memorandum of Understanding shall enter into force upon signature and shall be concluded for an indefinite period.
Each Party may terminate it unilaterally, by written notification.
Memorandum may be amended by written agreement of the Parties to ..
Of Article 10.
The memorandum was drawn up in three (3) identical copies of which each party receives one.

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