02 новембар 2016

Štetni efekti zračenja mobilne telefonije

Mobilne komunikacije postaju integralni deo naših života. Blizu šest milijardi ljudi ima bežične telefone. Danas jedna trećina svetske populacije koristi mobilne (celularne) telefone za svakodnevnu komunikaciju.
Mobilni telefoni prouzrokuju bioefekte od pre začeća i trudnoće preko perioda novorođenčeta, detinjstva, adolescencije i tokom čitavog života. Korišćenje mobilnog telefona vodi velikim mogućnostima pojave štetnih efekata na zdravlje ljudske populacije. Mobilni telefon stvara stanje akutnog i/ili hroničnog stresa i faktor je rizika za mentalno i fizičko zdravlje oba pola svih uzrasta.
Trudna žena i njen embrion/ fetus su veoma osetljiv deo populacije na zračenje mobilne telefonije. Izloženost zračenju mobilne telefonije tokom trudnoće ugrožava fetalni razvoj mozga i može prouzrokovati mnoge poremećaje i oboljenja. Postoji korelacija između prenatalne i natalne izloženosti zračenju mobilnih telefona i bihejvioralnih problema u dece i adolescenata, uključujući pažnja-deficit-hiperaktivnost poremećaj [attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)]. Majčina izloženost zračenju mobilnih telefona može uticati na pojavu govornih problema u potomaka, uključujući spektar stanja autizma [autism spectrum conditions (ASCs)].
Posledice korišćenja mobilnog telefona u dece i adolescenata, ali i mladih odraslih su akutne ili hronične pojave glavobolje, razdražljivosti, nervoze, vrtoglavice, problema koncentracije, straha i problema sa spavanjem, alergija, simptoma depresije, osećaja toplote, zamora. Pojavljuju se i specifične promene funkcije mozga (smanjenje pamćenja, i dr.), u bioelektričnoj aktivnosti mozga, u moždanom krvotoku, u metabolizmu glukoze mozga. Često i dugotrajno korišćenje mobilnog telefona, kao i nošenje u džepu blizu testisa ili ovarijuma, povećava rizik od infertiliteta.
Hronična izloženost zračenju mobilne telefonije rezultuje atermalnim efektima sa pojavom raznih poremećaja i oboljenja, završno sa najtežim - mutacijama i kancerogenezom. Korisnici mobilnog telefona imaju povećan rizik od razvoja: akustičkog neuroma (ili schvanoma vestibulare), tumora parotidne žlezde (malignih i nemalignih), meningioma, glioma, astrocitoma, raka dojke, raka ovarijuma i testisa, leukemija.

Prof. Dr Drago Djordjevich; Medical Faculty; University of Belgrade; Republic of Serbia

Mobile communications has become an integral part of our lives. Nearly six billion people globally own wireless phones. Today one-third of the world's population used mobile (cell) phones for everyday communication.
Mobile phone causes bioeffects from preconception and pregnancy through infancy, childhood, adolescence and the whole life-course. Using a mobile phone leads to greater possibilities of harmful effects on the health of the human population. Mobile phone creates a state of acute and/or chronic stress and it is a risk factor for mental and physical health of both sexes all ages.
Pregnant women and their embryos/ fetuses are very sensitive part of the population to radiation of mobile telephony. Mobile phone radiation exposure during pregnancy impacts fetal brain development and may cause many disorders or diseases. There is a correlation between prenatal and postnatal exposure to mobile phones radiation and neurobehavioral problems in children and adolescents, including attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Maternal exposure to mobile phones radiation can affect the occurrence of speech problems in the descendants, including autism spectrum conditions (ASCs).
The consequences of mobile phone used by children and adolescents but also by young adults are acute or chronic occurrences headache, irritation, nervousness, dizziness, concentration problems, fear and sleeping problems, allergies, symptoms of depression, feelings of heat, fatigue. There are also specific changes in the brain function (decreased memory, et al.), in the bioelectrical activity of the brain, in the blood flow of the brain, in the brain glucose metabolism. Often and long-term using of mobile phone, as well as carrying in pocket near the testicle or ovary, increases the risk of infertility.
Chronic exposure to mobile telephony radiation resulting athermal effects with appearance of a variety of disorders and diseases, ending with the most difficult - mutations and cancerogenesis. Mobile phone users are at increased risk of developing: acoustic neuromas (or Schvanoma vestibulare), salivary gland tumors (cancerous and non-cancerous), meningiomas, gliomas, astrocytomas, breast carcinomas, ovarian and testicular carcinomas, leukemias.

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