03 новембар 2016

Elektromagnetska preosetljivost

Prof.dr Tamara Galonja Coghill; redovni profesor Fakulteta za ekonomiju i inženjerijski menadžment FIMEK-Novi Sad; Republlika Srbija

Elektromagnetska preosetljivost ("idiopatska environmentalna intolerancija", Rubin et al, 2010) se karakteriše subjektivnim simptomima nakon izloženosti električnim manifestacijama (Palmquist et al., 2014). Ovi simptomi su raznovrsni i do sada ih nije bilo moguće precizno klasifikovati u odnosu na karakteristike polja koja ih izazivaju (Roosli, 2008).
Prag osetljivosti i tip reakcije na različite podražaje su individualne karakteristike bioloških sistema (Schrottner et al, 2007). U slučaju humane elektromagnetske hipersenzitivnosti, radi se o subjektivnim simptomima, koji će se manifestovati kod izvesnih ljudi prilikom korištenja ili boravka u blizini električnih uredjaja (Graham et al., 1998). Najtipičniji simptomi su kožni osip, modifikacije funkcije nervnog sistema, glavobolja, anksioznost, neurastenija (Bergquist i Vogel, 1997).
Do danas je provedeno više provokacionih ispitivanja ljudi sa EHS (electromagnetic hypersensitivity syndrome - sindrom elektomagnetske hipersenzitivnosti). Rane studije uglavnom su bile vođene idejom potvrđivanja postojanja EHS. Tako je pionirska studija Rea i sar. (1991) našla pozitivne rezultate samo u 16% ispitanika. Sa druge strane, Johansson i sar. (1994) kreiraju eksperiment u kojem dva ispitanika, koji kožne promene povezuju sa radijacijom) postavljaju ispred televizijskog ekrana. Rezultati biopsije pokazali su da su na kraju provokacionog perioda somatostatin-pozitivne ćelije nestale. Nakon ispitivanja psihosocijalnih i neurofoizioloških aspekata 20 EHS pacijenata, Hannsen Mild i sar. (1998) zaključili su da je EHS multifaktorni problem,.
Johansson (2004), koji sa ekipom saradnika na Karolinska institutu više godina ispituje ovaj skup simptoma, elektromagnetsku preosetljivost ravnopravno svrstava u kategoriju svih ostalih priznatih preosetljivosti, na stimuluse bilo koje prirode, ističući u ovom slučaju kožne i mukozne reakcije kao primarne alarmante.
Vršeći merenja plazma kortizola kao kvantifikatora nivoa stresa, Selmaoui i sar. (1997) iznose rezultate koji pokazuju odsustvo promena merenih vrednosti nakon akutnog izlaganja magnetskom polju.
Lonne-Rahm i sar. (2000) su ispitali dvadeset i četiri osobe, koje tvrde da poseduju simptome EHS, izlažući ih ekranskoj radijaciji u visoko- i niskostresnim situacijama. Nakon izlaganja, provedene su opsežne analize eksponiranih subjekata, koje su uključile krvne analize nivoa hormona vezanih za stres (melatonin, prolaktin, adrenokortikotropni hormon, neuropeptid Y i hormon rasta), analize ekspresije različitih peptida, ćelijskih markera i citokina, kao i analize biopsija kože. Generalni zaključak studije je da pacijenti nisu reagovali na polja, kojima su bili izloženi. Steuckenius i Brugger (2000) izneli su mišljenje da elektromagnetska preosetljivost ―odražava ljudsku sklonost ka pretpostavljanju povezanosti između vlastitog orgazmičkog stanja i (objektivno nepovezanih) promenljivih veličina spoljašnje sredine‖. Do tog zaključka došli su
nakon eksperimentalnog ispitivanja vršenog na četrdeset zdravih muskih subjekata. Raznolikost interpretacije uzroka i simptoma elektromagnetske preosetljivosti, ogleda se u rezultatima ispitivanja Anttila (2000), koji smatra da uzroke simptoma treba tražiti u svetu gljiva. Kako su mikotoksini biološki vrlo aktivni, a mikotoksin-produktibilni predstavnici carstva fungi prisutni u ventilacionim sistemima i drugde, autor ih smatra realnim uzročnicima tzv. EHS.
Elektromagnetsku preosetljivost, koja se opisuje skupom subjektivnih simptoma, u dijapazonu od neprijatnih osećaja do fizioloških poremećaja, izuzetno je teško precizno definisati. Drugim rečima, nedostatak patofiziološkog markera predstavlja prepreku za ispitivanje i precizno definisanje ovog skupa poremećaja. Kako je osećaj opšte slabosti jedan od najuopštenijih simptoma, Hillert i sar. (2001) su ispitivali prirodu i moguću etiologiju tog poremećaja testirajući hipotezu o promenama aktivnosti holinesteraze kao njegovog uzročnika. Nakon trostrukog ispitivanja subjekata, autori nisu pronašli značajno smanjenje nivoa holinesteraze u vreme najintenzivnije manifestacije ispitivanog simptoma, te su zaključili da slabost pripisana elektromagnetskim poljima nije fizičke prirode.
Rezultati komparativne studije na 14 ispitanika sa simptomima EHS i 14 kontrolnih subjekata, tokom koje su praćena tri parametra: EKG, broj okucaja srca i varijacije broja otkucaja srca tokom 24 sata, nisu pokazali razliku u prva dva praćena parametra. Kod trećeg parametra uočene su razlike u LF/HF (niske i visoke frekvencije) odnosu, koji je viši kod osoba sa simptomima EHS, što ukazuje na višu simpatičku aktivnost (Sandstrom et al., 2001).
Studije koje ukazuju na postojanje elektromagnetske preosetljivosti, rezultate ispitivanja interpretiraju sa izraženom dozom opreza. Tako Szemerszky i sar. (2015) zaključuju da osobe sa simptomima EHS mogu imati malu sposobnost detekcije magnetskih polja. Eltiti i sar. (2007) su u provokacionoj studiji ispitivali mogućnost da kratkotrajno izlaganje signalima baznih stanica mobilne telefonije izazove intenziviranje simptoma elektromagnetske preosetljivosti. Iako su utvrdili pozitivnu subjektivnu vezu (lični osećaj ekscitacije, koji nije praćen merljivim fiziološkim promenama), bili su skloni da izazvane efekte ne pripišu samom izlaganju radijaciji.
Kako do sada nije utvrđen niti jedan organizam, koji bi bio neosetljiv na elektromagnetska polja (Coghill, R., Galonja Coghill, T., 2000), ideja da ova osetljivost ne može varirati intenzitetom, te da je evolutivno predodređena da ne izlazi iz dijapazona biološke beznačajnosti, je nelogična i apsurdna.

Prof. Tamara Galonja Coghill, PhD; Professor, Faculty of Economics and engineering management FIMEK-Novi Sad; Republics Serbia

Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity ("idiopathic environmentally intolerance," Rubin et al, 2010) is characterized by subjective symptoms after exposure to electrical events (Palmquist et al., 2014). These symptoms are diverse and have so far not been possible to accurately classified with respect to the characteristics of the fields that cause them (Roos, 2008).
Threshold and type reactions to different stimuli are the individual characteristics of biological systems (schröttner et al, 2007). In the case of human electromagnetic hypersensitivity, it is about subjective symptoms, which will be manifested in certain people when using or being around all electrical appliances (Graham et al., 1998). The most typical symptoms of skin rash, modification functions of the nervous system, headache, anxiety, neurasthenia (Bergquist and Vogel, 1997).
To date conducted more tests provokacionih people with EHS (electromagnetic hypersensitivity syndrome - hypersensitivity syndrome solenoid). Early studies were mainly guided by the idea of confirming the existence of EHS. That's pioneering studies Rea et al. (1991) found positive results in only 16% of respondents. On the other hand, Johansson et al. (1994) created an experiment in which two subjects that skin changes associated with radiation) placed in front of the television screen. Biopsy results showed that at the end of the period provokacionog somatostatin-positive cells disappeared. After testing and psychosocial aspects neurofoizioloških 20 EHS patients, Hanssen Mild et al. (1998) concluded that the EHS multifactorial problem ,.
Johansson (2004), who with a team of collaborators at the Karolinska Institute several years researching this set of symptoms, electromagnetic hypersensitivity equally categorized as all other recognized hypersensitivity to stimuli of any nature, pointing in this case, skin and mucosal reactions as the primary alarming.
Performing the measurements of plasma cortisol as quantifiers stress levels, Selmaoui et al. (1997) present the results of which indicate the absence of changes in the measured value after acute exposure to a magnetic field.
Kolonne-Rahm et al. (2000) examined twenty-four persons, claiming to have symptoms of EHS, exposing them to radiation-screen in high and niskostresnim situations. After the presentations, the comprehensive analysis of exposed subjects, which included blood tests of hormone levels related to stress (melatonin, prolactin, adrenocorticotropic hormone, neuropeptide Y and growth hormone), expression analysis of various peptides, cellular markers and cytokines, as well as analysis of skin biopsy . The general conclusion of the study is that patients are not responsive to the fields, where they were exposed. Steuckenius and Brugger (2000) expressed the opinion that the electromagnetic hypersensitivity "reflect the human tendency to presupposition of the connection between his own orgasmic state, and (objectively unrelated) variables of the external environment". Came to this conclusion after experimental research done in forty healthy male subjects. The variety of interpretations of the causes and symptoms of electromagnetic hypersensitivity, is reflected in the results of tests Anttila (2000), who believes that the causes of the symptoms to look for in the world of mushrooms. As mycotoxins are biologically very active, a mycotoxin-produktibilni representatives Empire fungi present in ventilation systems and elsewhere, the author considers to be the real causes of the so-called. EHS.
Electromagnetic hypersensitivity, which describes a set of subjective symptoms, ranging from the unpleasant sensation to psychological disorders, it is extremely difficult to define precisely. In other words, the lack of pathophysiological markers is an obstacle to testing and precise definition of this set of disorders. How does it feel a general weakness of najuopštenijih symptoms, Hillert et al. (2001) examined the nature and possible etiology of this disorder by testing the hypothesis of changes cholinesterase activity as its cause. Following the third test subjects, the authors found no significant decrease in cholinesterase levels during the most intense manifestation of the symptoms investigated, and concluded that the weakness attributed to electromagnetic fields is not physical.
The results of comparative studies on 14 patients with symptoms of EHS and 14 control subjects, during which they followed three parameters: ECG, the number was flat-lined and variation of heart rate during 24 hours, showed no difference in the first two monitored parameters. In the third parameter differences were observed in the LF / HF (low and high frequency) ratio, which is higher in people with symptoms of EHS, which indicates a higher sympathetic activity (Sandstrom et al., 2001).
Studies that suggest the existence of electromagnetic hypersensitivity test results interpreted with caution expressed. So Szemerszky et al. (2015) conclude that persons with symptoms of EHS may have little ability to detect magnetic fields. Eltiti et al. (2007) in provokacionoj study examined the possibility that short exposure signals of base stations of mobile telephony challenges intensify symptoms of electromagnetic hypersensitivity. Although they found a positive relationship subjective (personal sense of excitation, which is not accompanied by measurable physiological changes), they are prone to induced effects are not attributable to the exposure to radiation.
Because he has not established a single body, which would be insensitive to electromagnet ic fields (Coghill, R. Galonja Coghill, T., 2000), the idea that this sensitivity can vary the intensity, and that the evolutionary destined to go out of range biological insignificance, is illogical and absurd.

1. Anttila, K. (2000): Mycotoxins, fungus and ―electrohypersensitivity‖, Medical Hypotheses, 55(3): 208-214
2. Bergquist, U. i Vogel, E. (eds.) (1997): Possible health implications of subjective symptoms and electromagnetic fields. A report prepared by European group of experts for the European Commision, DG V. Arbete ach Halsa, 19
3. Coghill, R., Galonja-Coghill, T. (2000): Protective effect of a donor's endogenous electric fields on human peripheral blood lymphocyte viability, Electromagnetic Biology and Medicine, 2000, Vol19, No. 1, 43-56
4. Eltiti, S., Wallace, D., Ridgewell, A., Zougkou, K., Russo, R., Sepulveda, F., Mirshekar-Syahkal, D., Rasor, P., Deeble, R., Fox, E. (2007): Does short-term exposure to mobile phone base station signals increase symptoms in individuals who report sensitivity to electromagnetic fields? A double-blind randomized provocation study., Environmental Health Perspectives, JSTOR: 1603-1608.
5. Graham, C., Hansson Mild, K., Cook, M.R. i Wood, A. (1998): Clinical Studies and Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity, EMF RAPID, Breakout Group Reports for Clinical and In Vivo Laboratory Findings, organized by the NIEHS, 15-33
6. Hanssen Mild, K., Anneroth, G., Bergdahl, J. (1998): El-och bildskarmsoverkanslighet - en tvatvetenskaplig studie. National Institute for Working Life, Umea, Sweden. Investigation Report
7. Hillert, L., Flato, S., Georgellis, A., Arnetz, B.B. i Kolmodin-Hedman, B. (2001): Environmental illness: fatigue and cholinesterase activity in patients reporting hypersensitivity to electricity, Environmental Research 85(3): 200-206
8. James, G.R., Nieto-Hernandez, R., Wessely, S. (2010): Idiopathic environmental intolerance attributed to electromagnetic fields (formerly'electromagnetic hypersensitivity'): An updated systematic review of provocation studies., Bioelectromagnetics 31, no. 1 1.
9. Johansson, O. (2004): Electrohypersensitivity: Observations in the Human Skin of a Physical Impairment, Symposium on Electrosensitivity in Human Beings, September 2004, London, Abstract CD, published by Coghill Research Laboratories
10. Johansson, O., Hilliges, M., Bjornhagen, V. i Hall, K. (1994): Skin changes in patients claiming to suffer from ―screen dermatitis‖: A two case open provocation study. Exp. Dermatol. 3: 279-285
11. Lonne-Rahm, S., Iersson, B., Melin, L., Schultzberg, M., Arnetz, B. i Berg, M. (2000): Provocation with stress and electricity of patients with ―sensitivity to electricity‖, Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine 42(5): 512-516
12. Palmquist, E., Claeson, A.-S., Neely, G., Stenberg, B., Nordin, S. (2014): Overlap in prevalence between various types of environmental intolerance., International journal of hygiene and environmental health 217, no. 4, 427-434.
13. Rea, W., Pan, Y., Fenyves, E., Sujisawa, I., Samadi, N. i Ross, G. (1991): Electromagnetic Field Sensitivity. Journal of Bioelectricity 10:241
14. Roosli, M. (2008).: Radiofrequency electromagnetic field exposure and non-specific symptoms of ill health: A systematic review. Environ Res 107:277–287.
15. Sandstrom, M., Mild, K.H., Hornsten, R. i Lyskov, E. (2001): 24h holter ECG recording and parallel monitoring of ELF magnetic field exposure in persons with perceived electrical hypersensitivity, Abstract book, 23rd BEMS Annual Meeting: 34
16. Schrottner, J., Leitgeb, N., Hillert, L. (2007): Investigation of electric current perception thresholds of different EHS groups. Bioelectromagnetics 28:208–213.
17. Selmaoui, B., Lambrozo., J. i Touitou, Y. (1997): Endocrine functions in young men exposed for one night to a 50-Hz magnetic field. A circadian study of pituitary, thyroid and adrenocortical hormones. Life Sciences 61(5): 473-486
18. Steuckenius, S. i Brugger, P. (2000): Perceived electrosensitivity and magical ideation, Perceptual and Motor Skills 90(3): 899-900
19. Szemerszky, R., Gubányi, M., Árvai, D., Dömötör, Z., Köteles, F. (2015): Is There a Connection Between Electrosensitivity and Electrosensibility? A Replication Study. International journal of behavioral medicine (2015): 1-9.
Prof.PhD Tamara Galonja Coghill; Professor, Faculty of Economics and engineering management FIMEK-Novi Sad; Republics Serbia
Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity ("idiopathic environmentally intolerance," Rubin et al, 2010) is characterized by subjective symptoms after exposure to electrical events (Palmquist et al., 2014). These symptoms are diverse and have so far not been possible to accurately classified with respect to the characteristics of the fields that cause them (Roos, 2008).
Threshold and type reactions to different stimuli are the individual characteristics of biological systems (schröttner et al, 2007). In the case of human electromagnetic hypersensitivity, it is about subjective symptoms, which will be manifested in certain people when using or being around all electrical appliances (Graham et al., 1998). The most typical symptoms of skin rash, modification functions of the nervous system, headache, anxiety, neurasthenia (Bergquist and Vogel, 1997).
To date conducted more tests provokacionih people with EHS (electromagnetic hypersensitivity syndrome - hypersensitivity syndrome solenoid). Early studies were mainly guided by the idea of confirming the existence of EHS. That's pioneering studies Rea et al. (1991) found positive results in only 16% of respondents. On the other hand, Johansson et al. (1994) created an experiment in which two subjects that skin changes associated with radiation) placed in front of the television screen. Biopsy results showed that at the end of the period provokacionog somatostatin-positive cells disappeared. After testing and psychosocial aspects neurofoizioloških 20 EHS patients, Hanssen Mild et al. (1998) concluded that the EHS multifactorial problem ,.
Johansson (2004), who with a team of collaborators at the Karolinska Institute several years researching this set of symptoms, electromagnetic hypersensitivity equally categorized as all other recognized hypersensitivity to stimuli of any nature, pointing in this case, skin and mucosal reactions as the primary alarming.
Performing the measurements of plasma cortisol as quantifiers stress levels, Selmaoui et al. (1997) present the results of which indicate the absence of changes in the measured value after acute exposure to a magnetic field.
Kolonne-Rahm et al. (2000) examined twenty-four persons, claiming to have symptoms of EHS, exposing them to radiation-screen in high and niskostresnim situations. After the presentations, the comprehensive analysis of exposed subjects, which included blood tests of hormone levels related to stress (melatonin, prolactin, adrenocorticotropic hormone, neuropeptide Y and growth hormone), expression analysis of various peptides, cellular markers and cytokines, as well as analysis of skin biopsy . The general conclusion of the study is that patients are not responsive to the fields, where they were exposed. Steuckenius and Brugger (2000) expressed the opinion that the electromagnetic hypersensitivity "reflect the human tendency to presupposition of the connection between his own orgasmic state, and (objectively unrelated) variables of the external environment". Came to this conclusion after experimental research done in forty healthy male subjects. The variety of interpretations of the causes and symptoms of electromagnetic hypersensitivity, is reflected in the results of tests Anttila (2000), who believes that the causes of the symptoms to look for in the world of mushrooms. As mycotoxins are biologically very
active, a mycotoxin-produktibilni representatives Empire fungi present in ventilation systems and elsewhere, the author considers to be the real causes of the so-called. EHS.
Electromagnetic hypersensitivity, which describes a set of subjective symptoms, ranging from the unpleasant sensation to psychological disorders, it is extremely difficult to define precisely. In other words, the lack of pathophysiological markers is an obstacle to testing and precise definition of this set of disorders. How does it feel a general weakness of najuopštenijih symptoms, Hillert et al. (2001) examined the nature and possible etiology of this disorder by testing the hypothesis of changes cholinesterase activity as its cause. Following the third test subjects, the authors found no significant decrease in cholinesterase levels during the most intense manifestation of the symptoms investigated, and concluded that the weakness attributed to electromagnetic fields is not physical.
The results of comparative studies on 14 patients with symptoms of EHS and 14 control subjects, during which they followed three parameters: ECG, the number was flat-lined and variation of heart rate during 24 hours, showed no difference in the first two monitored parameters. In the third parameter differences were observed in the LF / HF (low and high frequency) ratio, which is higher in people with symptoms of EHS, which indicates a higher sympathetic activity (Sandstrom et al., 2001).
Studies that suggest the existence of electromagnetic hypersensitivity test results interpreted with caution expressed. So Szemerszky et al. (2015) conclude that persons with symptoms of EHS may have little ability to detect magnetic fields. Eltiti et al. (2007) in provokacionoj study examined the possibility that short exposure signals of base stations of mobile telephony challenges intensify symptoms of electromagnetic hypersensitivity. Although they found a positive relationship subjective (personal sense of excitation, which is not accompanied by measurable physiological changes), they are prone to induced effects are not attributable to the exposure to radiation.
Because he has not established a single body, which would be insensitive to electromagnet ic fields (Coghill, R. Galonja Coghill, T., 2000), the idea that this sensitivity can vary the intensity, and that the evolutionary destined to go out of range biological insignificance, is illogical and absurd.
1. Anttila, K. (2000): Mycotoxins, fungus and ―electrohypersensitivity‖, Medical Hypotheses, 55(3): 208-214
2. Bergquist, U. i Vogel, E. (eds.) (1997): Possible health implications of subjective symptoms and electromagnetic fields. A report prepared by European group of experts for the European Commision, DG V. Arbete ach Halsa, 19
3. Coghill, R., Galonja-Coghill, T. (2000): Protective effect of a donor's endogenous electric fields on human peripheral blood lymphocyte viability, Electromagnetic Biology and Medicine, 2000, Vol19, No. 1, 43-56
4. Eltiti, S., Wallace, D., Ridgewell, A., Zougkou, K., Russo, R., Sepulveda, F., Mirshekar-Syahkal, D., Rasor, P., Deeble, R., Fox, E. (2007): Does short-term exposure to mobile phone base station signals increase symptoms in individuals who report sensitivity to electromagnetic fields? A double-blind randomized provocation study., Environmental Health Perspectives, JSTOR: 1603-1608.

5. Graham, C., Hansson Mild, K., Cook, M.R. i Wood, A. (1998): Clinical Studies and Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity, EMF RAPID, Breakout Group Reports for Clinical and In Vivo Laboratory Findings, organized by the NIEHS, 15-33
6. Hanssen Mild, K., Anneroth, G., Bergdahl, J. (1998): El-och bildskarmsoverkanslighet - en tvatvetenskaplig studie. National Institute for Working Life, Umea, Sweden. Investigation Report
7. Hillert, L., Flato, S., Georgellis, A., Arnetz, B.B. i Kolmodin-Hedman, B. (2001): Environmental illness: fatigue and cholinesterase activity in patients reporting hypersensitivity to electricity, Environmental Research 85(3): 200-206
8. James, G.R., Nieto-Hernandez, R., Wessely, S. (2010): Idiopathic environmental intolerance attributed to electromagnetic fields (formerly'electromagnetic hypersensitivity'): An updated systematic review of provocation studies., Bioelectromagnetics 31, no. 1 1.
9. Johansson, O. (2004): Electrohypersensitivity: Observations in the Human Skin of a Physical Impairment, Symposium on Electrosensitivity in Human Beings, September 2004, London, Abstract CD, published by Coghill Research Laboratories
10. Johansson, O., Hilliges, M., Bjornhagen, V. i Hall, K. (1994): Skin changes in patients claiming to suffer from ―screen dermatitis‖: A two case open provocation study. Exp. Dermatol. 3: 279-285
11. Lonne-Rahm, S., Iersson, B., Melin, L., Schultzberg, M., Arnetz, B. i Berg, M. (2000): Provocation with stress and electricity of patients with ―sensitivity to electricity‖, Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine 42(5): 512-516
12. Palmquist, E., Claeson, A.-S., Neely, G., Stenberg, B., Nordin, S. (2014): Overlap in prevalence between various types of environmental intolerance., International journal of hygiene and environmental health 217, no. 4, 427-434.
13. Rea, W., Pan, Y., Fenyves, E., Sujisawa, I., Samadi, N. i Ross, G. (1991): Electromagnetic Field Sensitivity. Journal of Bioelectricity 10:241
14. Roosli, M. (2008).: Radiofrequency electromagnetic field exposure and non-specific symptoms of ill health: A systematic review. Environ Res 107:277–287.
15. Sandstrom, M., Mild, K.H., Hornsten, R. i Lyskov, E. (2001): 24h holter ECG recording and parallel monitoring of ELF magnetic field exposure in persons with perceived electrical hypersensitivity, Abstract book, 23rd BEMS Annual Meeting: 34
16. Schrottner, J., Leitgeb, N., Hillert, L. (2007): Investigation of electric current perception thresholds of different EHS groups. Bioelectromagnetics 28:208–213.
17. Selmaoui, B., Lambrozo., J. i Touitou, Y. (1997): Endocrine functions in young men exposed for one night to a 50-Hz magnetic field. A circadian study of pituitary, thyroid and adrenocortical hormones. Life Sciences 61(5): 473-486
18. Steuckenius, S. i Brugger, P. (2000): Perceived electrosensitivity and magical ideation, Perceptual and Motor Skills 90(3): 899-900
19. Szemerszky, R., Gubányi, M., Árvai, D., Dömötör, Z., Köteles, F. (2015): Is There a Connection Between Electrosensitivity and Electrosensibility? A Replication Study. International journal of behavioral medicine (2015): 1-9.

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