25 октобар 2016

Bežične komunikacije i zdravlje: budućnost istraživanja i princip predostrožnosti - Dariusz Lesinski, PhD

Dariusz Lesinski, Vanredni profesor, Odsek za biologiju, Odeljenje za biohemiju i biotehnologiju, Univerzitet u Helsinkiju, Finska; dariusz.leszczynski@helsinki.fi
Fizioloških funkcija ljudskog tela su regulisani električne struje. Stoga, nije iznenađujuće da postavljanje ljudsko telo unutar elektromagnetskog polja, dovoljne snage, može izazvati smetnje sa normalnim fizioloških procesa. Ove smernice ICNIRP i IEEE bezbednosti tvrde da štite celu ljudsku populaciju od posledica izloženosti prema elektromagentskim poljima (EMF). Međutim, istraživačke studije na ljudima i životinjama sugerišu da izloženost na nivou smernice dozvoljene bezbednosti, mogu uticati na zdravlje. Sigurno su među nama ljudi koji su osetljiviji na elektromagnetska polja od ostalog dela opšte populacije. Mi, naučnici, moramo da saznamo ko su ti, potencijalno pogođeni, pojedinci.
Ogromna većina bioloških istraživanja ispituje uticaj EMF, a fokusirala se na mogućnost uticaja na gene, izazivanje raka mozga ili oštećenja embrionalnog razvoja. Istovremeno, rasprava se nastavlja bez obzira da li EMZ izaziva efekte koji, iako ne ugrožavaju život, mogu biti štetna za kvalitet života. Simptomi koje doživljavaju samo-dijagnostikovana EMF senzitivna(osetljiva) lica, koji sebe nazivaju elektromagnetno-hiper-osetljiva (EHS), spadaju u ovu kategoriju simptoma štetnih na kvalitet života.
Od epidemioloških studija se često očekuje da pružei odgovor, da li EMF izloženost može biti opasna za ljudsku populaciju. Međutim, validacija svake potencijalne opasnosti po zdravlje korišćenjem samo epidemiologije je beskorisno. Ovo, jer je niska osetljivost epidemiološke metodologije nedovoljna za pouzdanu detekciju zdravstvenih uticaja slabih bioloških efekata izazvanih niskom energetskom EMF. Do sada izvedene epidemiološke studije, ne pružaju nikakvu neoborive dokaze, pokazali su da verovatno dugotrajno izlaganje zračenju mobilnih telefona (30 minuta / dan za 10 godina ili duži period) povećava rizik od razvoja raka mozga - gliom .
Zbog ograničenja u epidemiologiji, studije EMF efekata moramo za ljudske volontera, kako bi se utvrdilo da li će EMF izloženost izazvati biohemijske promene u izloženim tkivima i organima, vezati sa bilo kojom zdravstvenom opasnosšću. Takve informacije se mogu koristiti za podršku, ili odbaciti, zapažanja iz epidemioloških studija, kao i da se poboljša dizajn budućeg epidemiološka istraživanja.
Moderne Molekularno Biološke skrining tehnike transkipcije, proteomici i Metabolomika može da pruži takvu mnogo potrebne informacije. Ovaj pristup je posebno pogodan za učenje bioloških i zdravstvenih efekte EMF jer će otkriti efekte koje je nemoguće predvideti, a zasnivaju se na do sada dostupnom znanju. Sistematsko skrining transkriptome (genske ekspresije), PRO-teome (ekspresija proteina), fosfo-proteoma (aktivnost proteina), metabolom (male molekularne metabolita) će generisati podatke NEC-neophodne uslove za čvrst dokaz zdravstvenih efekata, uključujući, između ostalog, karcinogenost i EHS(elektro hiper senzibilnost).
U međuvremenu, čekajući konačan naučni dokazi, proces koji će trajati još nekoliko desetina godina, moramo da preduzmemo neku akciju da zaštitimo korisnike bežičnih uređaja za komunikaciju. U toku je rasprava da li je princip predostrožnosti (PP/precutionary princip), kao što je definisan od strane Evropske unije u 2000. godini, potrebno sprovesti da bi se ublažile potenciljane-sumnjive zdravstvene rizike od izloženosti EMF. U cilju razmatranja upotrebe PP, prvi neophodan korak je procena naučnih dokaza. U odnosu na zračenja mobilih teleofna, prvi korak je načinjen 2011. godine, kada se je Radna grupa od 30 stručnjaka upoznala na skupu Međunarodne agencije za istraživanje raka u Lionu, u Francuskoj, i klasifikovala zračenje mobilnog telefona kao moguću kancerogenu materiju (Grupa 2B). Nakon završetka vrednovanja naučnog dokaza, postoji nekoliko preduslova koji moraju biti ispunjeni pre nego što rasprava o implementaciji PP, u skladu sa EU PP dokumentom iz 2000. Preduslov: PP može da se implementira kad naučna informacije nije dovoljna, kada je nejasna ili neizvesna
IARC klasifikacija zračenja mobilnog telefona, kao mogući kancerogen je jasno pokazala da su informacije o zdravstvenim efektima zračenja mobilnog telefona "nedovoljna, neubedljiva, ili neizvesna" Preduslov: PP može biti realizovan kada postoje indicije da su mogući efekti na zdravlje i da mogu biti potencijalno opasna
IARC klasifikacija zračenja mobilnog telefona, na osnovu dokaza iz epidemioloških studije kontrol slučaja, je istakla da su korisnici strastveni dugoročni mobilnih telefon u povećanom riziku od raka mozga - to je potencijalna opasnost za više od 7 milijardi korisnika mobilnog telefona. Preduslov: PP može da se implementira kad trenutna situacija nije u skladu sa izabranim nivo zaštite
IARC klasifikacija ističe da do povećanog rizika od raka mozga zasnovanog na epidemiološkiim studijama u kojoj subjekti koriste redovne mobilne telefone koji zadovoljavaju trenutne sigurnosne standarde; što znači da sadašnji sigurnosni standardi nisu dovoljni da zaštite korisnike. Implementacija principa predostrožnosti (PP) nije jednaka sprečavanju upotrebe bežičnih tehnologija. Ova politika može pomoći u suzbijanju trenutne mnogobrojnom i nekontrolisanom raspoređivanju bežične mreže bilo gde i svuda. Tvrdnje da će implementacija princip predostrožnosti izazivati ekonomsku štetu nisu opravdane. Implementacija princip predostrožnosti će stvoriti nova znanja kroz istraživanje usmerena na rešavanje pitanja zdravstvenog rizika i razvoj komunikacione tehnologije sa nižim emisijama zračenja. To će, zauzvrat, stvoriti nova radna mesta i nove ekonomske mogućnosti u istraživanju i tehnologiji. U zaključku, IARC pregled naučnih dokaza i dobiti klasifikacija mogućih karcinogenosti od zračenja mobilnog telefona, se dozvoljava sprovođenje merra principa predostrožnosti, u cilju zaštite stanovništva od potencijalno opasnih efekata izlaganja radijaciji koju emituju bežični komunikacioni uređaji. Istovremeno, sa sprovođenjem mera zaštite, u cilju smanjenja izloženosti ljudske populacije, naučna istraživanja treba da nastave da rešavaju kontradikcije naučnih dokaza. Savremene metode molekularne biologije transcriptomics i proteomics moraju, konačno, biti od koristi za određivanje obima i veličinu uticaja EMF izloženosti na ljudskim tkivima i organima.


Dariusz Leszczynski, Adjunct Professor, Department of Biosciences, Division of Biochemistry & Biotechnology, University of Helsinki, Finland;  dariusz.leszczynski@helsinki.fi


Physiological functions of the human body are regulated by electric currents. Therefore, it is not surprising that placing a human body within an electromagnetic field, of sufficient strength, may cause interference with normal physiologic processes. The present ICNIRP and IEEE safety guidelines claim to protect the whole of the human population from the effects of exposures to electromag-netic fields (EMF). However, research studies on humans and animals suggest that exposures at levels permitted by the safety guide-lines can affect health. There certainly are among us people who are more sensitive to electromagnetic fields than the general popula-tion. We, the scientists, need to find out who these, potentially affected, individuals are.

The vast majority of the biological research examining the effects of EMF has focused on the possibility of affecting genes, causing brain cancer or impairment of embryonic development. At the same time, debate continues whether EMF induces effects that, although not life-threatening, could be detrimental to the quality of life. The symptoms experienced by the self-diagnosed EMF sensi-tive persons, calling themselves electromagnetic-hyper-sensitive (EHS), fall into this category of symptoms detrimental to the quality of life.

Epidemiological studies are often expected to provide the answer, whether EMF exposure might be hazardous to human population. However, validation of any potential health hazard using epidemiology alone is useless. This, because the low sensitivity of epidemi-ologic methodology is insufficient for reliable detection of health impact of the weak biological effects induced by low energy EMF. The to date executed epidemiological studies, although not providing any conclusive evidence, have shown that it is likely that long-term exposure to cell phone radiation (30 minutes/day for 10 years or longer period) increases the risk of developing brain cancer – glioma.

Because of the limitations of epidemiology, we need human volunteer studies of EMF effects to determine whether EMF exposures cause biochemical changes in exposed tissues and organs, linkable with any health hazard. Such information can be used to support, or dismiss, observations from the epidemiological studies as well as to improve the design of the future epidemiological research.

Modern molecular biology screening techniques of transcriptomics, proteomics and metabolomics can provide such much needed information. This approach is particularly suited for studying biological and health effects of EMF because it will reveal effects impossible to predict based on the presently available knowledge. Systematic screening of the transcriptome (gene expression), pro-teome (protein expression), phospho-proteome (protein activity), metabolome (small molecular metabolites) will generate data nec-essary for conclusive proof of health effects, including, among others, carcinogenicity and EHS.

43Meanwhile, awaiting the conclusive scientific evidence, process that will take still tens of years, we need to take an action to protect users of the wireless communication devices. There is an ongoing debate, whether the Precautionary Principle (PP), as defined by the European Union in 2000, should be implemented to mitigate the suspected health risks of exposure to EMF. In order to consider the use of the PP, the first necessary step is the evaluation of the scientific evidence. In respect to cell phone radiation, this first step was executed in 2011 when the Working Group of 30 experts met at the International Agency for Research on Cancer in Lyon, France, and classified cell phone radiation as a possible human carcinogen (Group 2B).
After completion of evaluation of the scientific evidence, there are several pre-conditions that need to be fulfilled before debating the implementation of the PP, in accordance with the EU PP document of 2000. All of these preconditions are fulfilled:
Pre-condition: PP can be implemented when the scientific information is insufficient, inconclusive, or uncertain :
IARC classification of cell phone radiation as a possible carcinogen has clearly shown that the information on health effects of cell phone radiation is insufficient, inconclusive, or uncertain?
Pre-condition: PP can be implemented when there are indications that the possible effects on human health may be potentially dangerous

IARC classification of cell phone radiation, based on the evidence from epidemiological case-control studies, has pointed out that avid long-term cell phone users are at an increased brain cancer risk – this is a potential danger to over 7 billion of cell phone users

Pre-condition: PP can be implemented when the current situation is inconsistent with the chosen level of protection
IARC classification pointing out to an increased brain cancer risk is based on epidemiological studies where subjects used regular cell phones meeting current safety standards; this means that the current safety standards are insufficient to protect users.

Implementation of the Precautionary Principle does not equal prevention of the use of wireless technologies. This policy can help in curbing the current rampant and uncontrolled deployment of wireless networks anywhere and everywhere. The claims that the implementation of the Precautionary Principle will cause economic harm are not justified. Implementation of the Precautionary Principle will create new knowledge through research aimed at resolving the issue of health risk and developing communication technologies with lower radiation emissions. It will, in turn, create new jobs and new economic opportunities in research and technology.
In conclusion, IARC review of the scientific evidence and obtained classification of possible carcinogenicity of cell phone radiation, permit implementation of the Precautionary Principle measures, in order to protect the population from the potentially hazardous effects of exposure to radiation emitted by the wireless communication devices. Concomitantly, with the implementation of the protective measures, aimed at reduction of exposures of human population, scientific research should continue to resolve the contradictions of the scientific evidence. Modern molecular biology methods of transcriptomics and proteomics must be finally used to determine the scope and the size of the impact of EMF exposures on human tissues and organs.
Dariusz Leszczynski, Adjunct Professor, Department of Biosciences, Division of Biochemistry & Biotechnology, University of Helsinki, Finland;
Physiological functions of the human body are regulated by electric currents. Therefore, it is not surprising that placing a human body within an electromagnetic field, of sufficient strength, may cause interference with normal physiologic processes. The present ICNIRP and IEEE safety guidelines claim to protect the whole of the human population from the effects of exposures to electromag-netic fields (EMF). However, research studies on humans and animals suggest that exposures at levels permitted by the safety guide-lines can affect health. There certainly are among us people who are more sensitive to electromagnetic fields than the general popula-tion. We, the scientists, need to find out who these, potentially affected, individuals are.
The vast majority of the biological research examining the effects of EMF has focused on the possibility of affecting genes, causing brain cancer or impairment of embryonic development. At the same time, debate continues whether EMF induces effects that, although not life-threatening, could be detrimental to the quality of life. The symptoms experienced by the self-diagnosed EMF sensi-tive persons, calling themselves electromagnetic-hyper-sensitive (EHS), fall into this category of symptoms detrimental to the quality of life.
Epidemiological studies are often expected to provide the answer, whether EMF exposure might be hazardous to human population. However, validation of any potential health hazard using epidemiology alone is useless. This, because the low sensitivity of epidemi-ologic methodology is insufficient for reliable detection of health impact of the weak biological effects induced by low energy EMF. The to date executed epidemiological studies, although not providing any conclusive evidence, have shown that it is likely that long-term exposure to cell phone radiation (30 minutes/day for 10 years or longer period) increases the risk of developing brain cancer – glioma.
Because of the limitations of epidemiology, we need human volunteer studies of EMF effects to determine whether EMF exposures cause biochemical changes in exposed tissues and organs, linkable with any health hazard. Such information can be used to support, or dismiss, observations from the epidemiological studies as well as to improve the design of the future epidemiological research.
Modern molecular biology screening techniques of transcriptomics, proteomics and metabolomics can provide such much needed information. This approach is particularly suited for studying biological and health effects of EMF because it will reveal effects impossible to predict based on the presently available knowledge. Systematic screening of the transcriptome (gene expression), pro-teome (protein expression), phospho-proteome (protein activity), metabolome (small molecular metabolites) will generate data nec-essary for conclusive proof of health effects, including, among others, carcinogenicity and EHS.
43Meanwhile, awaiting the conclusive scientific evidence, process that will take still tens of years, we need to take an action to protect users of the wireless communication devices. There is an ongoing debate, whether the Precautionary Principle (PP), as defined by the European Union in 2000, should be implemented to mitigate the suspected health risks of exposure to EMF. In order to consider the use of the PP, the first necessary step is the evaluation of the scientific evidence. In respect to cell phone radiation, this first step was executed in 2011 when the Working Group of 30 experts met at the International Agency for Research on Cancer in Lyon, France, and classified cell phone radiation as a possible human carcinogen (Group 2B).
After completion of evaluation of the scientific evidence, there are several pre-conditions that need to be fulfilled before debating the implementation of the PP, in accordance with the EU PP document of 2000. All of these preconditions are fulfilled:
Pre-condition: PP can be implemented when the scientific information is insufficient, inconclusive, or uncertain :
• IARC classification of cell phone radiation as a possible carcinogen has clearly shown that the information on health effects of cell phone radiation is ―insufficient, inconclusive, or uncertain‖
Pre-condition: PP can be implemented when there are indications that the possible effects on human health may be potentially dangerous
• IARC classification of cell phone radiation, based on the evidence from epidemiological case-control studies, has pointed out that avid long-term cell phone users are at an increased brain cancer risk – this is a potential danger to over 7 billion of cell phone users
Pre-condition: PP can be implemented when the current situation is inconsistent with the chosen level of protection
• IARC classification pointing out to an increased brain cancer risk is based on epidemiological studies where subjects used regular cell phones meeting current safety standards; this means that the current safety standards are insufficient to protect users.
Implementation of the Precautionary Principle does not equal prevention of the use of wireless technologies. This policy can help in curbing the current rampant and uncontrolled deployment of wireless networks anywhere and everywhere. The claims that the implementation of the Precautionary Principle will cause economic harm are not justified. Implementation of the Precautionary Principle will create new knowledge through research aimed at resolving the issue of health risk and developing communication technologies with lower radiation emissions. It will, in turn, create new jobs and new economic opportunities in research and technology.
In conclusion, IARC review of the scientific evidence and obtained classification of possible carcinogenicity of cell phone radiation, permit implementation of the Precautionary Principle measures, in order to protect the population from the potentially hazardous effects of exposure to radiation emitted by the wireless communication devices. Concomitantly, with the implementation of the protective measures, aimed at reduction of exposures of human population, scientific research should continue to resolve the contradictions of the scientific evidence. Modern molecular biology methods of transcriptomics and proteomics must be finally used to determine the scope and the size of the impact of EMF exposures on human tissues and organs.

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